
Box art for Q4Max For: Quake 4
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This version of Q4max is made to support Quake 4 1.4.2 Point release.

Changes are as follows:
* add: Q4 beta 1.4.2 compatibility - this version of Q4Max does not run on previous versions of Quake 4.

* add: Tickrate is now mode-controlled through the \"tickrate\" setting. The core default is 60, duel runs at 90.

si_fps is now read only. See the Votes and Modes documentation pages for more info.

* add: Spectators can now see respawn timers for powerups, armor, and the MH. This is enabled serverside via g_allowSpecTimers,

Clients can enable/disable it with hud_showSpecTimers and position it using hud_specTimerPosition.

* add: Initial Battlesuit support. Mappers : in the entity menu, select pickup/powerup/powerup_battlesuit.

* add: NetworkStats command.

On clients, reports in/out rate and incoming PL to the console.
On servers, does this for all connected clients.

* add: _moveDown can be used to cycle views backwards in spectator mode.

* add: cg_drawcrosshairnames 2 : teammate crosshairnames use ui_nick.

* add: \"performance\" and \"eye candy\" presets in the profiles menu.

* add: Game Version reported in the Server Info tab of the ingame menu (i.e \"Q4Max 0.78c\")

* chg: Too many bot things to list, considering they\'re still unsupported ;)

* chg: Allow teamchat for specs even in non-team gametypes.

* chg: Not showing ui_clan in crosshair names anymore.

* chg: Only beep on player chat/teamchat. This excludes server/game messages and TV chat.

* chg: god, noclip, give commands accessible again. Only useful on listen servers (go mappers).

* chg: Tweaked gladiator rail effect.

* fix: Coach now able to cycle views when team is speclocked.

* fix: Speclocking a team should now force uninvited specs to view something else.

* fix: Hud powerups stuck when switching teams.

* fix: Couldn\'t select Gladiator rail in the main menu.
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