
Box art for Ramelle For: Company of Heroes
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If you're a fan of Saving Private Ryan, then you will appreciate this map...even if you were not crazy about the movie, then the you'll still enjoy this 4 player bundle of goodness! The connection between this download and the movie is the town of [b]Remelle[/b], the fictitious French village featured in the film, and this map.

Ramelle, located on the banks of the Merderet River, Ramelle was a small French village which became an important target for both Allied and German soldiers following the Allied landings at Utah and Omaha beaches on June 6th, 1944. On June 13th, while scouting a nearby field, Henderson, Ryan and Private Toynbe destroyed a German halftrack that was part of a 2nd SS Panzer Division recon element. They were assisted by the unexpected presence of a squad of Rangers led by Captain John Miller. The Rangers were searching for Ryan, who was to be returned home because of the recent loss of all three of his brothers in combat.

Just like the movie, there will be several challenges as you attempt to stay [i]not[/i] dead; This map even had the developer, HolyHappiness, bogged down in the town for some time as he tried to [i]do unto others as they are trying to do unto him[/i]. Ramelle is set up to be about 25% in the town, and 75% surrounding area made up of fields and hedgerows for the true "Normandy Experience." There is a river with two bridges, one in Ramelle, the other farther up the river. Includes bunkers, trenches, and other fun accessories in hedgrow area.

[i]If the town doesn't look destroyed enough to compare with the movie, trust me, it will be by the end of the game, not one building was standing![/i]

Refer to the readme for more information.
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