Description This most aims to give STALKER a more realistic feel. You get less ammo, better Ai, more mutants, etc...
This update gives you these features:
[quote]-implimented the "ALL ARMOR Mod" by DJekman
-more blood marks
-some mutants made a little stronger(more to come)
-creatures health has been tweaked more (humans a little stronger then normal to help conpensate for weapon accuracy, but still with in realistic proportions) mutants have more health now. making them more dangerious
-before in V1 you could carry 135K, this has been lowered a little. you can carry up to 75k with no penalty and keep walking untill 115k, however, the peanlty for being overweight is more noticable
-some guns accuracy fixed,(SVD, SVU, l85) dispite some testing they were to innacurate before, more guns may be modified as time goes on
---Changes from V1 that wernt mentioned
-the AK's are using the larger 60 round clips. a rare thing but it does exist. seeing as there very inaccurate this makes up for it.
-you now have 10 days to finish a quest, not 1
-added a limping state[/quote]