Replay:Sepha v TKE|Turtle

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TKE|turtle vs Sepha

On the 1v1 Map Harlindon

Game Version: 1.03

TKE|turtle - Dwarves

Starting B.O: Mine, Hall of Warriors, 2 Guardians, Mine
Strat: Guardian Spam -> Phalanxes -> Battle Wagons -> King Dain

Good use of Stances
Very Good Micro
Kept up pressure on his base

Player Summary: Very nicely done. No real cons to point out. Micro was good throughout the game. You made effective use of stances with all your units. You did the normal Guardian rush to phalanxes to keep the focus on his base, and keep him crippled. Though, he played better than you, and was able to outmicro your pikes to get your buildings first. Nicely done.

Sepha - Isengard

Starting B.O: Furnace, Furnace, Warg Pit, Warg
Strat: Warg Spam -> Crossbows -> Pikes -> Uruks -> Lurtz -> Wildmen

Stances used well
Great micro
Made very good attacks on his base while he was occupied with yours

Player Summary: Well played. You were kind of offset at the start due to the Guardians, but manageed to counter it without taking heavy losses. Micro really helped you out this match, to maintain good position at your base, and at his. Stances were used very well to your benefit. Not much to say really, but Very good job!

Game Summary: A quick, but entertaining Dwarves vs Isengard, where the Guardian Rush actually fails to destroy as much as it normally would. 2 highly skilled players battling out with great micro and knowledge of their units. They made the most of what they had. Well done!

TKE|turtle: 6
Sepha: 6

Overall: 6
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