RPG CTF Battletactic 2

Box art for RPG CTF Battletactic 2 For: Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force
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Arron_Dominion brings us the first potential role-playing map for Elite Force one in quite some time, although currently only in a beta stage the map has a good basic structure and will no doubt eventually be a popular map.

When you first load up the level, as with most other RPG maps, you begin in the transporter room which has clearly taken inspiration from the transporter room of Voyager. Interestingly instead of having the transporter controls as traditionally in front of the transporter pad itself, this map places them just to the side, which I found to be a rather interesting prospect.

From the transporter room you can then move on and access some other partially mapped rooms, included a conference hall and a sickbay. I found the most interesting area to be the obstacle course, with a number of different areas that can be accessed via independent transporters.

While at the moment rather \"blocky,\" the map is only in a beta stage and some work still needs to be done before completion. Overall this is a nice taste of how this map may turn out and is worth a download if you would like to experience the mid-development mapping stage.

See the readme for further information and installation instructions.

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