RPG Voyager

Box art for RPG Voyager For: Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force
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Well Ladies and Gentlemen, you\'ve been waiting a very long time for the next version of this map, and I promise you, it [b]does not[/b] disappoint! This is [b]RPG Voyager[/b] (Beta 2) from the aptly named mapper [b]AdkathrynJaneway[/b]. Remember that surge of excitement you got eight years ago when you first walked around Voyager\'s decks in SP? Well you are about to get that all over again. This really [b]is[/b] the way the USS Voyager was meant to be seen.

The beta includes five decks from the ship (not including Decks 2, 3 or 5, so you\'ll have to wait for the Mess Hall, Quarters and Sickbay), with the Bridge, Cargo Bay 2, Astrometrics, Engineering, a [i]fully canon[/i] shuttlebay, brig, Deck 15 and more obscure areas that will just make your experience all the better like a great Science Lab. First of all, I\'ll talk about the map itself: The brushwork is excellent. There were no overlapping textures that I could see, the textures themselves are very high quality, and if you go to the Shuttlebay (or any corridor for that matter) you\'ll see what I mean. There was one case of a missing door on Deck 8, however. In terms of useable features, you have all the basic controls like warp and weapons and red alert, but also new buttons to experiment with such as a very stylish warp core eject, self destruct / abandon ship alerts (admins only), a special Borg Cube attack, and the classic Intrepid-class ability to land on a planet. You\'ll even see the landscape outside!

I found it very hard to find things wrong with this map. Aside from the obvious lack of some key decks, the only things I can complain about are the rather dark lighting, the random spawn points due to a lack of Transporter room, and the fact the Holodeck is a bit small at the moment, although I suspect all this will be cleared up in the next version.

Anyway, this is still, by no means a map just for show! Beam on over to the Federation starship USS Voyager and get some good roleplaying done!

~ Luke20 (The Tenth Doctor)
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