Running Away - CampaignVersus

Box art for Running Away - CampaignVersus For: Left 4 Dead
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From the author:

First major release of the Campaign/Versus series of maps called Running Away, (name quite likely to change once I think of something a lot lot better). This release contains the first 2 out of 5 maps. Maps should be fully playable in either mode.

Map 1 - Leaving Town: Apartments-offices-street.

Map 2 - Retail Therapy: Supermarket-mall-bus station.

Coming soon:

Map 3 - Industrial Incident: Sewer-factory.

Map 4 - Rural Run: Road-forest-bridge.

Map 5 - Platform Rescue: Railway-train station.

This is quite an enjoyable little campaign, about half an hours worth of gameplay, depending on the difficulty. It's very well built and has a fair few custom textures. The maps feel quite open, and yet still quite easy to navigate. Particuarly in the first map, it seemed like there were 2 or 3 different possible routes at any time.

[b][u]Leaving Town[/u][/b]
Pretty much just consists of working your way down an apartment block to street level, then heading across the road. There's loads of rooms leading off the main route, with quite a few medkits in. This is good map for Boomers. Lots of small corridors and tight corners to ambush people. Not so good for Hunters and Smokers for the same reason though.

[b][u]Retail Therapy[/u][/b]
Definately an interesing map. It only takes place in 2 or 3 main rooms, but you're heading in and out of them and zig-zagging to get around all the obstacles. Makes for an cool maze-like map. There was a ridiculous amount of tier 2 weapons (assault rifle, auto shotgun and hunting rifle) around, but thats in the bug list in the readme, so its forgivable.

All in all, I like where this campaign is heading, and look forward to the full version.
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