
Box art for Shackleball For: Warcraft 3
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Carry the ball into the opponent's goal!
Cast shackles to hold an opponent in place and cause them to drop the ball.
Pass the ball to your teammates.
Risk charging to quickly head up the map but silence yourself.

6v6 highly recommended, but it will work with as many players as you want. AI players fill in slots fairly well, but I would suggest having at least 3 human players on each team.

v1.3 changes:
Sudden Death now correctly resets player starting positions.
Added Ball Possession and Game Rating (An overall score for the player's contribution to the game) to the endgame scoreboard.
Minor cosmetic changes.

v1.2 changes:
"Charge!" now has a shorter duration and cooldown but a greater increase to movement speed.
Bots taking over leavers should now display properly on the scoreboard.
Added names for the bots!
Various cosmetic changes.

v1.1 changes:
Teams conceding a point now kickoff nearer to the ball.
New scoreboard added at the end of the game detailing passes, tackles, etc.

v1.0 changes:
AI added to the map for computer players and players that have left the game.

v0.3 changes:
Ball no longer has a sell price and should now drop correctly when a ball carrier quits.
'Pass The Ball' has a shorter casting animation.
The silence effect of 'Charge!' now only lasts 5 seconds.
Obtaining the ball whilst in the opponent's goal now scores a point.
Minor cosmetic changes.
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