Smokegrenade launcher

Box art for Smokegrenade launcher For: Call of Duty 4
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In this mode the ammo of grenadier weapons have got smoke projectiles.
This is my first mod, so it isn\'t the best mod in the world.:)
Ebben a módban füstgránátot lő ki a gránátvető.
Ez az első módom, szóval nem vmi nagy durranás, de tudtommal ilyen még nincs.:)
Ha meg szar az angol szöveg, sajnálom.

Staff Review

Here is an interesting mod that allows you to launch a smoke grenade, its extremely effective and also realistic in terms of the weapons that armed services use. This mod brings up a wider question why this game did not incorporate such a weapon or add-on to launch smoke grenades in particular, but we don\'t go into that now.

This mod is basic but its functions do provide an excellent addition to the game, so I have to congratulate Makkermaki, the author for his original yet purposeful idea and creation.
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