ST: New Hope - Station Archer

Box art for ST: New Hope - Station Archer For: Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force
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Fred300 returns with an update on Station Archer/Modas based on the popular Starfighter Command - Modas map.

[b]Map Background[/b]:

Station Archer is a High-Tech Station of the Sol-System. It is a new design of Starbases from the new-founded Terran Empire! The plans for this Starbase were stolen from the Starfleet of the UFP in the Mirror-Universe. We have reconstructed it, but we must improvise with the technology of our old ships, because we are not have all the resources and technologies as the UFP.

All bugs which dogged the previous version should fixed now and there are a few new little Features.

[*]Bug fixes
[*]Mew lighting in some areas
[*]Few new RPG-Functions

An Engine Update is required to play this map! It is also recommend to use [url=";72558"]ioEF 1.37[/url] to play this map.

- [b]IKS[/b]
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