Star Wars Movie Duels

Box art for Star Wars Movie Duels For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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Behold, for coming your way is an earth-shatteringly powerful mod that, while not necessarily versatile, is certainly powerful in its own right =_= this coming from a necromancer who despises admitting powerful opposing forces.

This mod is dedicated solely for Single Player purposes, built for those waves upon waves of masses who want to jump in on the key critical prequel battles. Yes, that's right, prequel battles only. Rather despairing for those of us who would have wanted to take on the beastly form of Vader that isn't a total pansy boy. However, I digress; ONWARD TO THE BEEF =_=!

First off, it's time to point the bony finger at the technical issues. First off, practically in every campaign sequence, there's a bit of a saber issue: If you cycle to one particular blue stance, whose name evades me, it locks up your stance cycle choices, pretty much =_=. This may make it a little difficult to fight in some already difficult fights =_=+

A small issue with the hud seems to be that the right saber indicator's "MD" is backwards, but that's easily ignored. One final bug to mention: Quicksaving is not exactly a good thing to do for immersion purposes. Why? Well, when it loads, the model you're playing as will usually screw up unmercifully. Worst instance being in Dooku's. Trust me =_=

Now then, for the actual synopsis and destructive force of this mod. First off, know that this mod is actually presents you with a number of well-scripted and pretty well choreographed battle sequences, complete with clips from the actual movies. The scenes vary in quality and length, depending on what player you play as. That's right, you have the CHOICE to pick between one party over the other. Which character you play will change the scenario to a varying degree. Each scenario contains a bonus mission that you can use to mix things up with >_>!

Behold, the options available to you. Each mission has an Easy, Medium, and Hard setting, which you can view how they affect your battle. For the sake of brevity, I will be referring to the campaign sequences broadly, so as not to spoil the fun, and save my wrists =_=

[b]Episode I[/b]

[i]Outskirts of Tatooine -[/i]This is a decent recreation of the battle between Maul and Qui Gon out in the desert. This one is a little different in the fact that you'll not actually engage your quarry immediately. In both Maul and Qui-Gon's case, you have to go through a varying amount of Tuskens. Qui-gon sadly has to tote a kid along, albeit he's not much of a liability. Personally, I found this battle to be a little lopsided in difficulty =_,= if you don't play fair. For kicks, I decided to fight Qui-gon with Maul on his trademark speeder. Suffice to say, it was quite amusing to watch him perish. Qui-gon actually got the short end of the stick, because he doesn't have many force powers to defend with. Suffice to say, the bonus mission was a rather amusing twist.

[b]Episode II[/b]

[i]Encounter with Count Dooku -[/i]Probably one of the best in the bunch next to the Battle of the Heroes campaign that will be explained shortly. This battle is a relatively accurate battle recreation of the final Episode II lightsaber battle between Anakin, Obiwan, and Yoda, as they take on the malevolently awesome Christopher know him as Count Dooku =_=. Anyway, the only oddity I noticed was some of the lousy repetitive combat action in the cinematic sequences. Otherwise, it's near gold, in terms of accuracy. You'll not be disappointed, except perhaps in the bonus mission, I suppose. Didn't feel very inspired, but I digress.

Allow me to preface by saying that Episode III was sadly the most fleshed out one. This is understandable, seeing as there were more battles, but something tells me more could have been added to the other two (bare minimum being Duel of the Fates.)

[b]Episode III[/b]

[i]Rescue Over Coruscant -[/i]The classic battle aboard the invisible hand. A well-scripted and effectively used scene. At this point, there wasn't much worth noting other than the hefty length: be prepared for some serious hardship when in combat, no matter what side you're on. The bonus mission is an interesting new spin on what could have occurred aboard the Invisible Hand. You would be wise to take a look. Short as it is, it's still amusing to think about.

[i]Engaging General Grievous -[/i] To preface, yes, you will be going up against all four of Grievous's arms =_,= fear them well, or use them well. This battle I found to be rather amusing, particularly in scripting, as there were some interesting little surprises once the battle got underway =_=. Mid-battle cutscene sequences felt a little dry, but fine otherwise. My favorite sequence had to be the final electrostaff combat scene between the two. Nothing more amusing than going staff to staff =_,= unless of course, Grievous feels like taking potshots upon ye. Bonus mission is okay, albeit not great.

[i]Battle of Heroes -[/i]Yes, the ones you EP3 fanchildren have been waiting for =_= *sighs* Suffice to say, this one was probably the most epic, both in scripting, mapping, and cinematics. This battle was pretty much the most impressive, and it took massive works. A rather impressive feat that I noted in the second half of the battle, whilst on the sinking lava machinery, there are bits of ash and lava in the air that hiss against your saber. A nice touch =_,= This one I noted had actual very large differing outcomes, depending on what character you fought as. Whilst playing as Obi Wan gave you the canon ending, an Anakin victory had you...well =_= I'll just let you fight for that. Bonus mission added an odd possibility to the mix of who could attack Anakin. I got exhausted and didn't play through it all, so you will have to find out what happens =_,=

Done with all that? Well then, try out the CHALLENGE MODE! Yes =_= a ladder-esque combat sequence in which you can choose what character you fight as, and engage in a series of battles versus different characters, some of which you don't normally see fight =_=.

Well, this has all been fun and all, but I've finally defeated the bulk of this mod's content =_= not literally, as midway, I decided to enable the convenient "god mode" button to help speed up the process, rather than get slain time and time again. This mod is quite challenging, and will probably give you great pride in defeating everything. I can safely say that the large file size is worth the epic battles you will have =_,=. BANDWIDTH TO ALL, FAR AND WIDE, OR ELSE I WILL REND YOUR SPINE ASUNDER FOR MAKING ME TYPE ALL THIS CRAP IN VAIN =_=

- Averus Retruthan
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