Starcraft 1.5 3D Conversion Maps

Box art for Starcraft 1.5 3D Conversion Maps For: Warcraft 3
Size: 34.07 MB
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The newest version of Night_WolveX\'s Starcraft conversion mappack is now available for your enjoyment!

For those of you that want to jump right into a game and don\'t want to spend precious seconds...or even minutes downloading maps, then your prayers have been answered! We have here a mappack that contains 9 3D Starcraft Total Conversion Maps for Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, complete with induvidual readmes and installation instructions.

The maps contained in this mappack are:
(4)Neo Lost Temple v1.8
(6)3v3 Micro Clutter Islands v1.3
(6)3v3 Micro Clutter v1.7
(6)3v3 Zero Clutter Islands v2.8
(6)3v3 Zero Clutter v4.1
(8)Big Game Hunters v2.2
(8)Fastest Possible Map Ever v3.4
(8)Hunters v1.9
(8)Zero Clutter Micro v2.1

See the Reame for a sample of changes made with this version, see the induvidual map readme\'s in the downloaded mappack for a complete changelog for each map listed.
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