Super Generals!

Box art for Super Generals! For: Command and Conquer: Generals
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Super Generals! gives the 3 main Generals Access to sub generals Dozers. It gives the 3 Main generals the option to create the Dozers/workers from the sub generals of the corresponding faction -- if you use USA then you have the option at the Command center to create the laser general Dozer. Super Weapon Dozer, and the AirForce Dozer. China gets their 3 sub general Dozers, and GLA gets their Sub 3 workers. remember that this is not perfect yet, its my 1st release, so right now you don't get ALL the special units from the sub faction, however you will receive their buildings, giving you defensive advantages, and due to the fact that some generals' power plants and units are better than others, you get that advantage as well. The AI will not use this (AI will still work, just not use the extra Tech), so its not totally fair.
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