Tabletop Round-up mod

Box art for Tabletop Round-up mod For: Dawn of War Dark Crusade
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This is the latest edition of the Table Top Roundup Modification. This changes stats, a few unit types and from what I see, adds some nice new units within. Changes are as follows:[quote]1.35 (release):

Tau empire can now build mines;
Tau empire can now also build & deep-strike Drone turrets from the Vehicle building;
Eldar Skimmers now benefit from hull-mounted Shuriken Cannon upgrades, obtained via the former holofield research;
Eldar Falcon Grav tanks can get more weapon upgrades (original modifications by Kueara);
'Swapped round' the Ork Nob & Armoured Nob costs (they were wrong initially);
Increased costs (overall) of Vespids;
Increased the costs (overall) of Vypers;
Most infantry now have slight squad taxes on them to conpensate for either non squad-related abilities or capturing points;
Necron Warrior squads do not slow down the build time of new warrior squads so hugely now then before;
Grot tank's HP & costs have been increased slightly, in addition to now costing 3 fast attack cap units;
wartrukks now have a hard cap of 6 on them, rather than being limited via fast attack cap;
Re-introduced the Tau "targeting optics" research & re-named it to "multi-tracker," which increases the speeds of all
tau tanks ingame (including the devilfish);
Devilfish & Falcon grav tanks now have very long jump ranges (with long times to conpensate) to allow for more convenient
& micromanagement-free transporting;
Chimera tanks have a 'speed boost' ability that allows them to travel slightly faster instead of shooting (being transports after all);
Replaced the 'Feral Leap' research with 'Pride of Tau,' which enables melee leap for Kroot & shield drones for relevant squads;
Removed the Tau 'Missile Barrage' Research, & as of such Skyrays automatically start able to use the missile barrage ability;
XV-8 Crisis teams & Pathfinder squads can get sheild drones (though in limited amount for balance reasons);
Shield drone invulnerability radius has been decreased;
Space Marine Command squad can now act as a shield for commanders, reducing their ranged damage to 10% when attached;
Space Marine Command squad cost for marines & production has been heavily reduced;
A group of 3 Whirlwinds and (at least) one Land speeder Tornado in proximity form a supression force, in which the
whirlwinds benefit from a quadrupled weapon range (taken from the 40K Apocalypse rules to make them more useful).
(Note that this only works when 3 whirlwinds are in close proximity of each other along with the land speeder tornado.
A graphic has been made as an indicator to show that the effect is present when the combo is reached);
Ork Big Mek gets his 'Super Stikk Bomb' ability back, with far more damage behind it;
Ork Tougher bosses research doesn't increase the hitpoints of the Big Mek & Warboss so dramatically;
The Cost of a Broadside Battlesuit squad has been heavily increased (again);
Broadside Battlesuits no longer need to entrench to fire their railguns (they set-up instead);
Tau gun drones can now engage in melee;
Big Mek hitpoints have been reduced slightly;
Tau commander can now be built from the Tau HQ (requires Kroot nest though);
Tau commander has had its power cost increased a lot considering his power;
Included the 'City of artrabis," credit goes to Master Z;
Added the map "Aridus Prime," made by Flip Hazard.[/quote]- Ash
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