The Charmcaster

Box art for The Charmcaster For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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=_=....Being a sorcerer, this weapon confounds me. Wasting mana to simply fire it at your enemies? Absurdities...I could animate well over two-dozen corpses with the energy this thing wastes.

Replacing the concussion rifle, this weapon resembles a sort of oversized revolver with energy clouds jutting out from it. I was going to say jetting, but unfortunately there's no animation to the excess energy streaming out of it. Methinks with a little effort, that could have been corrected. However, the healthy alternative provided is a "no energy" version that's simply the gun without the fumes venting out.

While the design is admittedly clever, I find the lack of change in visual effects for the projectiles slightly disappointing. However, we should merely be thankful this was even released, as from the sound of it, this was the result of some boredom. Overall it looks rather impressive, so submit bandwidth while you can, as I'm definitely not going to let these weapons last for long =_=

- Averus Retruthan
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