The New Imperial Order Montage

Box art for The New Imperial Order Montage For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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Let me start out with a warning to our viewers: if you [i][b]absolutely[/b][/i] can\'t stand annoying songs, like the Numa Numa song, the chicken dance, or Justin Timberlake\'s \'Get Your Sexy On\', don\'t download this video. I wouldn\'t want to be responsible for your heads exploding.

Anyway, on to the video. It\'s [b]loooong[/b], folks. Just over 14 minutes of actual footage, and two minutes of credit/nothingness at the end. This can mean one of two things: the author shoved a lot of stuff into it, or the author didn\'t effectively use their time. My opinion: a little of both.

This video features a lot of different skits loosely tied together. Don\'t be turned away by, what is in my opinion, a dreadfully dull opening. After about three minutes it picks up. It\'s still dreadfully [i]slow[/i], but if you can get past that it is indeed funny. I did find myself wanting to stab my eyes out at times because the pace of the video is just [i]so slow![/i] In future videos I hope the author will realize that the average viewer of the site only have a finite amount of patience, and I wouldn\'t expect it\'s all that much longer than about 30 seconds, so 4 minutes of Rosh singing the Numa Numa song is probably a bit too much.

That said, that was probably my favorite part of the video. The only sad part about it is the poor camera work. I assume the author was filming himself in-game at that point, judging from how the camera behaves, so fooling around with the third person range, angle, and vertical offset would have worked wonders. Speeding up certain sections would be my main request, though. There\'s no need to have Rosh (or a Jawa) dance/sing an [i]entire[/i] song. That\'s just boring and annoying. However if you trimmed off some of the fat, you\'d retain the really good parts, which are what will make this video worth watching for those of you who can sit through it.

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