Theta Squad - Objective One: Kashyyyk

Box art for Theta Squad - Objective One: Kashyyyk For: Star Wars: Battlefront
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Technically this isn't a custom map since it uses Kashyyyk: Docks, but this shows up on the Instant Action list as its own map so you won't have to worry about it replacing the stock version.

Anyway, Theta Squad: Objective One follows five Imperial Commandos as they hunt down escaped Wookiee slaves. In the Clone Wars era the commandos have five or so tickets while the Wookiees have twenty. You have to cut down the Wookiees before your entire squad is eliminated. It's an interesting way to sort of set up a campaign-type map for SWBF1, but this is really intended for multiplayer -- I can imagine it being enjoyable online.

In the GCW era the unit setup is the same except it's more like traditional Conquest, with normal ticket counts (with Wookiees still outnumbering commandos, however, for balance purposes).

There are some interesting little features to the map, such as a blood particle effect that's triggered each time your character is hit and a dirt particle effect that's triggered when your shots hit the ground. I did not get to try out all of the commandos' weapons or the Wookiee's powers (the Wookiee priest can use healing among other things) but there's a lot to play around with.

All of the bugs I noticed have been addressed in the ReadMe, and it's basically something you'll have to live with. Otherwise this is a pretty decent and unique "custom map" that's sure to be fun online. The file size is fairly small and it won't replace the stock map so I encourage you BF1 veterans to give it a try.

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