Description A two player map, Tiberium Pass features everything you would expect in a great map plus more. The thing that really makes it stick out is the fact that to travel from base to base, players must go through a long stretch of mountain. This stretch makes it very hard to get units in and out of it because it is a choke point. Blue tiberium is also where this stretch is so there should be a lot of fighting going on in there if you want to win. The players start off with one side to themselves.
Tiberium Pass is covered by water so the only way to get to the other player is by the stretch of the mountain; controlling the middle is crucial. Each player gets a patch a blue tiberium and a patch a green tiberium. Each player also receives a Tiberian Spike on their side of the map. The map does have AI on it and has great texture detail as well.
Overall, this map actually does something different and gives something to offer. You\'ll have loads of fun trying to beat your opponent on this crazy map.