True Trek Mod

Box art for True Trek Mod For: Star Trek: StarFleet Command 3
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The True Trek Mod brings your SFC3 gaming experience as close as possible to the way the movies and shows are!
In it are enhancements that will greatly increase your gaming experience as well

Some Game modifications include...

1. Over 25 new ships all balanced to Realistic strength.

2. More hardpoints and weapon space for every ship in the game.

3. Torpedoes are now more powerfull (It is now worth the wait for plasma torpedoes)

4. Mines now become hard to see once active (you can still notice them, if you look hard)

5. Starbases are now VERY powefull. They have alot more health and weapons.

6. 4 Dominion and 3 Cardasian ships added and playable in skirmish mode. Cardassians are included in the Federation and Dominion in the Klingons but are made so that they don't appear on the ship purchase list in the Campaign.

7. New Conquest Campaigns, GALACTIC WAR, which include the Dominion as a race on the map

8. Ships you encounter on a conquest are now either the default loadout ship, or a BF version which is a fully upgraded version of the ship.

9. The Scimitar is added, has 24 weapons, double strength shielding and type 5 Klingon disruptors.

10. The Campaigns still work fine and are more challenging.

11. Non-Playable races such as the Frerngi, Pirates and Rakelli have more weapons and overall better ships.

12. Type-SB warp cores now available for all races and supply 500 power.

13. Borg can now equip type 1 shields on their ships.

14. All ships have a zero arc hardpoint which can be used for equiping antimatter minelayers

15. The Enterprise has all of the weapons it has in the Movie Nemesis

16. Many, Many other minor modifications.

Full Ship List...


-Miranda Refit
-Excelsior Refit
-sovereign Refit


-Fek'lhr Refit




-Pyramid Prime
-Diamond Prime
-Sphere Prime
-Tactical Cube

Dominion Alliance:


Non-Campaign Ships:

-Constitution Refit
-Romulan BOP
-Romulan K'tinga
-Deep Space 9
-Ferengi Marauder
-Delta Flyer

Non-Playable Ships:

-Rakelli Frigate
-Rakelli Cruiser
-Pirate Frigate
-Pirate Cruiser


-Un-zip the contents of this zip-folder into a temporary folder
-copy the contents of the folder named SFC3 TTM into your C:\Program Files\Activision\Sfc3 folder
-your computer should automatically place the files in the correct place when you click on "yes"
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