Ultimate 350 Mappack #1

Box art for Ultimate 350 Mappack #1 For: Team Fortress 2
Size: 1.51 GB
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This HL2Files.com TF2 Mappack Volume 1 contains 350(!) of the latest Team Fortress 2 custom maps. Most of these maps are 'Control Point' and 'Capture The Flag' type with a few other fun ones added in. This mappack was compiled to save you from downloading each and every map seperately one-by-one. Please note that some maps are still in their alpha or beta stage and are work-in-progress but all should be fully playable and enjoyed!

This mappack is for everyone! Whether an average TF2 gamer, server operator, LAN parties or just for a change! At 1.4 GB (3.92 GB uncompressed!), this is guarenteed to bring you endless hours/days of fun & entertainment! Enjoy! :)

[b]The included maps are:[/b]

[i]119snip_tf2_b1 - a51_orange_b2 - cpctf_open_source_rc1 - cp_2tower - cp_420_awp_map_v1 - cp_420_crazed_arena_v1 - cp_420_crazed__arena_v2 - cp_420_orange_madness_v1 - cp_420_orange_rampage_v1 - cp_420_orange_run_v1 - cp_420_water_arena_v3 - cp_ahoballs_b3 - cp_ahohouse2_ext_b2 - cp_apg_canyon_crunch_fix - cp_arenaball - cp_arenaxtreme - cp_arena_v6 - cp_asawe_beta - cp_assault_a2 - cp_avantiville_b3 - cp_barrage_b4 - cp_beach_final_2 - cp_bigfist_towers_a2 - cp_bighalls_b1 - cp_blackhole - cp_bloodstrike_v2 - cp_box_killer_v1 - cp_building - cp_bunkers_v1.2 - cp_camp_ahoraltar_b1_2 - cp_camp_crossover_v2 - cp_canyon - cp_canyon_b2 - cp_castle3 - cp_cavein - cp_center_scramble_b1 - cp_circletown_b1 - cp_city_v2 - cp_climbstrong - cp_closecombat_b2 - cp_complicated_b3_2 - cp_compound_beta1 - cp_construction_site_b2 - cp_cornered - cp_crazed_acre_final - cp_dambreak - cp_debomberman_b5_2 - cp_demise - cp_demoman_2 - cp_desertfortress - cp_doormans_towers - cp_dust2 - cp_factory_beta1 - cp_floodway_b2 - cp_floodz - one2_final - cp_foldtown_v1 - cp_forts - cp_fort_davos - cp_grand_canyon_b5 - cp_gulchb2 - cp_heatsink_b1 - cp_hole_2 - cp_horus_b3 - cp_industry - cp_inez_2 - cp_invasion_b1 - cp_jailbreak_b3 - cp_jump_2 - cp_jump_7skill - cp_junction_v2 - cp_kbunderland_v1 - cp_king_of_the_hill_b1 - cp_labor_b2 - cp_launchbase_v1 - cp_lazytown - cp_lolert - cp_lost - cp_mad_maze - cp_meleebarn - cp_mongoose_b2 - cp_mountcoaster_v4 - cp_mq_zig_b1 - cp_ms_assault_alpha1 - cp_nuke - cp_orange_cross - cp_orange_super_fort_beta2 - cp_orange_tower - cp_overflow_b4 - cp_pirateship_v1 - cp_point_king_a2 - cp_quickcap_v2 - cp_railroad_b1 - cp_rats_alpha2 - cp_ravine_b1 - cp_redundant - cp_rockmine_b4 - cp_rooftime_alpha1 - cp_roundabout - cp_science - cp_sentry_wars_v1 - cp_shock - cp_sidewinder_b5 - cp_skywalk_beta3_2 - cp_smbcastle2 - cp_snowbowl_b3 - cp_snowbridge_thallus_2 - cp_speedbox - cp_spyder_v12 - cp_spyhard_b3 - cp_station_b1 - cp_sticky_tower1 - cp_struggle - cp_studio_rc3 - cp_substation_lts_b1 - cp_tooltown_b10 - cp_towers_b1 - cp_toy_fort_beta2 - cp_tradering - cp_tumbleweedalpha_2 - cp_ultimate_control - cp_uturnbeta090 - cp_u_turn_b3 - cp_verticality - cp_vertigo_beta2 - - cp_volcano_2 - cp_warehouse_b8 - cp_warpath2_1b - cp_waterplace_b2 - - cp_wild_and_peaceful_b1-1 - cp_wolf - cp_zigzag_b1 - ctf_2bridges_f2 - ctf_2fortified_v1_2 - ctf_2fort_classic_v1 - ctf_2sides_v2 - ctf_2silo_alpha1 - ctf_420_arena_v1 - ctf_420_headshot_v2 - ctf_420_sniperz_point_v2 - ctf_420_wtf_aim_v1 - ctf_420_X-Games_v1 - ctf_accelerator_b2 - ctf_aftermath_b2 - ctf_ag_texture2_v2 - ctf_ahopheus_b2 - ctf_ahoq1dm6_b2 - ctf_aquaduct_b3 - ctf_arena1 - ctf_ataraxia_b2 - ctf_basev1 - ctf_bases - ctf_basictraining_b6 - ctf_basketintel_3 - ctf_battlegrounds - ctf_battle_creek - ctf_bigfist_towers_e - ctf_bigs - ctf_blitz - ctf_blitz_final - ctf_booty_b1 - ctf_brownstone_beta - ctf_bunkercanyon_v4 - ctf_cancer_beta2point1 - ctf_canyon_v3 - ctf_cargo - ctf_casbah - ctf_castle_assault_b1 - ctf_coast - ctf_complex_2 - ctf_coret_alpha1 - ctf_crater_final - ctf_crossunder - ctf_crossup - ctf_ddpractice - ctf_depot_dispute_v1 - ctf_devilscanyon - ctf_dirtwork_b4 - ctf_dock - ctf_doormans_towers_rc5 - ctf_doubleaction_v1 - ctf_doubletrain - ctf_duel_beta3_2 - ctf_eightbase_2 - - ctf_embankment_b1 - ctf_epicenter_v2 - ctf_extream_v1 - ctf_face-beta45 - ctf_facelike_v2 - ctf_faceoff_beta02 - ctf_facing_v1 - ctf_falcon_v2 - ctf_firenicea2 - ctf_firmbases_beta2 - ctf_fission_v2 - ctf_floodzone2_v1 - ctf_forestlaw - ctf_freezers_v2 - ctf_funhouse - ctf_furnace_b7 - ctf_gktf2_b1 - ctf_godwhathaveidone - ctf_gorge_alpha1 - ctf_hallofdeath - ctf_hallofgiants_b5 - ctf_hardwood - ctf_hostile_b1 - ctf_impact - ctf_intel - ctf_j2_jumpncap - ctf_jinxed_b3 - ctf_keeps - ctf_killbox_beta_v3c - ctf_lucius_b2 - ctf_lulz_v2_2 - ctf_mach3 - ctf_marble_2 - ctf_mckinley_resurrection_v096 - ctf_middleofnowhere_v1 - ctf_mine4 - ctf_moonunit_b1 - ctf_office wars - ctf_openfire_fhf_b1 - ctf_orange - ctf_original100yards - ctf_ouch_final - ctf_peakcoal_beta_2 - ctf_plateaus_b1 - ctf_playtest - ctf_powerhouse_beta - ctf_prisonv6 - ctf_quarry_v2 - ctf_ramped_final - ctf_redgiant - ctf_respect-b4 - ctf_revolution_b6 - ctf_rocketcity_b2 - ctf_rocktumbler_b3 - ctf_rugby_v3 - ctf_runway - ctf_rushhouse_beta - ctf_scorpion_v4 - ctf_scrapyard - ctf_sf_fieldtrip_b2 - ctf_simple_city_7a - ctf_skyrise_b1 - ctf_skyrise_b1_2 - ctf_smallfort - ctf_smallworld - ctf_smooth_b2 - ctf_snofort_final - ctf_splat_b3 - ctf_steamroll_2 - ctf_stronghold_b5 - ctf_subterranean - ctf_tempus_2 - ctf_thefort - ctf_thegym - ctf_touchdown_b1 - ctf_troubledwaters_2 - ctf_truss_a4 - ctf_turbine_v3 - ctf_village_b2 - ctf_warehouses_beta1 - ctf_wastelands_b2 - ctf_watchhouse_61 - ctf_well - ctf_well2_2 - ctf_well_classic_b2 - ctf_xmas_maze_2 - dm_arena_b1 - dm_biosphere_v3 - dm_delta - dm_duel_v1 - dm_fightyard_beta1 - dm_fortress_2 - dm_hans - dm_junkyardwars_b1 - dm_mothyard_beta666 - dm_ouch - dm_poolday_b1 - dm_redalert - dm_store - dom_complex_b2 - duel_arena - duel_arena_v32 - duel_duel1 - duel_duel2 - duel_octagon_b1 - uel_ovh_2 - duel_parallel_3 - duel_sniperduel_2 - dz_sniper_r - final_destination_tf2v2 - freespace06_v2night - fr_doormans_towers - fy_poolparty_v2_2 - fy_snipe_towers_2 - gas_kaboom_beta2 - gas_kaboom_beta_3 - gjump - glass_war_gf_remake_2 - harbl_hoteltf2v2 - heavyboxing_1 - hs_forts_beta1 - hs_forts_beta2 - its_mine_v1 - jakeosmaze - jump_atf_scout - jump_cellshaded_b4 - jump_farmmadebyfearlezz - jump_leet_v1_2 - king_of_the_hill_tf2_mappack_-_roo - koth_dead_simple - koth_twisted_v3 - mckinley - melee_ringking_3 - melee_snowvalley - melee_take3 - melee_take4 - monkey_world_v1292 - murderball_2t_rc1 - murderball_b2 - murderball_beta3 - not_iceworld_beta2 - openfire - pu_jinxed_b2 - refinery-demo-2 - runandshoot - savage_beta03 - scoutzknivez_b2-test - sctf_playtest - sd_breakfloor_tf2_beta - snipermap - sniperz_medieval__2 - sniperz_ridge_2 - sniper_brawl_v3 - snipe_opposed_beta1 - sniprwar2b - square3b4 - stb_cowtown_beta - stf_2 - stf_3 - surf_superk_b1 - tf2_void_2 - the_cave - toystore - trainyard_brawl_v4 - vc_alpha - vintage_2fort5r - yaaarghbsp[/i]

Extract the file into the following directory:[b] X: -> Program Files -> Valve -> Steam -> SteamApps -> -> Team Fortress 2 -> TF -> Maps[/b]

All maps belong to their respective creators & are all available in the public domain. This mappack is brought to you by http://www.HL2Files.com - The No.1 Half-Life 2 (+ Related Games) Download Resource!

Happy Fragging!
HL2Files.com Founder & Site Admin
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