USS Dauntless

Box art for USS Dauntless For: Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force
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Roleplay map developer [b]Ryan537[/b] has completed a new map: the [b]USS Dauntless[/b], a ship based on the design of the ship seen in [i]VOY: "Hope and Fear"[/i]. Whilst I personally dispise the preconception by some fans that this ship was actually re-worked into a real Starfleet vessel (it seems people are clutching at excuses simply cos it looks cool), this is infact an excellent map and miles ahead of the Solaris, from which most textures derive. This is what the mapper has to say about his latest creation:

[quote]The USS Dauntless is an experimental class of ship being based off of the design of the fake USS Dauntless that the original voyager encountered in the Delta Quadrant. It serves its role as a deep space exploration ship. As such, it is equipped with other experimental technology, including a slipstream drive to make up for its great distance from immediate help.

(Please note, neither the warp system nor the alert system are currently working as planned, this is due to an issue with the latest RPG-X2 beta release and should be resolved over the coming months, if not weeks. In addition, you may recognise some of the areas from the USS Solaris on the map, just hopefully a little better dressed this time round. Yes this was to save time, solely because I don't have nearly enough time to have created everything from scratch all over again. This map was created for use in the USS Dauntless SRP at[/quote]

The textures are strong, although this is an early release, so some things still read "USS Solaris". The mapping is canon and consistent with what we saw in the episode, with the exception of the Warp Core, which is a proper core instead of the quantum slipstream drive. There is a small, but quaint shuttlebay, one of the best cargobays ever, and an expanded Deck 1, which I like to see.

A really good file, and one of the better roleplay maps recently released. Get downloading RPers!

~ Luke20 ("The Tenth Doctor").
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