War of the empire

Box art for War of the empire For: Empire at War
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Wargtv brings us another map, this time a space map for EaW, not FoC. I have had a look at it, and to be honest, it seems rather bland.

It has ye olde standard layout, with a rebel space station in one corner, and an Imperial one in the other. Some asteroid mining facilities in the middle, and a couple in the other corners for good measure.

It is rather large, and has lots of open spaces. Now, I know that in a space map, it is hard not to make it empty and repetitive. However, the map would probably benefit from being smaller.

In terms of props, the author has placed a number of asteroid facilities around the map, and used death clones as props. He has also placed the Death Star position marker, which is completely pointless, as the Death Star cannot be used in skirmish.

The map has the appropriate markers, so it should run correctly. I haven't tested it, however, as I can't find my EaW disk. But I can't see any major problems with it.

Again, I will remind you all that this is for Empire at War only. Not FoC.

Overall, I have to say that this map does not impress me that much. However, I think that Wargtv has a lot of potential, so do keep at it.

Download if you want to give it a try.
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