
Box art for Warrior For: Star Wars Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast
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Personal opinions (read: "common sense") regarding Runescape cast aside, the question needs to be asked: What the *hell* does this have to do with Runescape? o_0

Meh. It's just a Stormtrooper that's been subjected to experiments with skin and chain semi-randomly placed over the armor. It overwrites the default stormtrooper too.

Now, this skin showcases several "don't" techniques.

The first is attempting to skin flesh over armor. It never works, even more so when the armor is shaped differently to a human arm.

The second is the chainmail armor. It's very difficult to get it right, but when it is done right, it looks great. Sadly, when it's not done right, it lets the skin down, especially when it's the central feature.

Third, if you're not sure what you're doing - don't do it. Always plan out your project before you start. Improvisation is good in moderation, but when the entire thing is improvised, you're screwed. This is just far too random to be... well... I can't even tell what it is, never mind what it was meant to be. =/

#4: Never use hue/saturate on the [i]entire[/i] texture image - only on the parts you actually want to hue/saturate.

And another little tip? Do not include the _humanoid folder with skins. In fact, don't include anything that's already in the assets pk3s, unless you're making an overwrite.

There's probably another dozen or so things I could point out, but I'm no pro skinner - in fact, the most skinning I've ever done was a custom starfighter paint job - and I think this review is unnecessarily negative.

The biggest piece of advice I can give is this:

Always, [u]always[/u] get feedback on your work before releasing it. Other people will always be able to look at your work more objectively than you.

Well, if you like the looks of this, knock yourself out. Just be careful not to give yourself any long-term damage...

~ Kouen

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