We Were Snipers

Box art for We Were Snipers For: Warcraft 3
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When the game begins, players have 15 seconds to vote for the point limit. The options are 5, 10, 15 and 20 points. If the timer expires then it counts your vote as 10. When everyone has voted it averages everyone\'s choice and that is the game limit. The first team to reach this score wins the game.

Once the point limit has been voted on, players vote to watch the intro cinematic. If everyone votes to skip the cinematic then it will be skipped. If one person chooses to watch then everyone will have to watch. If, however, during the cin any players no longer wish to watch the remainder, they may press esc and vote to stop the cin. If all remaining players vote to stop the cin, then it will stop and the game will begin.

Currently, [i]We Were Snipers[/i] only has one type of scenario. Each team takes turns attacking each others camp area. A timer window appears with a number of seconds based on the number players. The defending team has to prevent the attackers from entering their base. If an attacker does enter the base, the timer begins counting down. If the timer reaches 0 or they kill all of the defenders, they win. On the other hand, if the defenders kill all of the attackers, they win.

The attackers only have four minutes, if they run out of time then the defenders win. The time remaining is displayed next to your gold amount. With a timer looming over each team there can be no camping and action is kept high.

When a team wins, each player on the winning team recieves 20 gold while each player on the losing team only recieves 15 gold. 1 point is also awarded to the winning team. Then it\'s switched up, the defenders become the attackers and vice verca.

We Were Snipers offers a measure of realism by adding limited ammo and armour that requires maintaining. You must purchase ammo in order to fire upon your enemies, run out and you become a sitting duck. Your Kevlar can only take so many bullets before it\'s useless, but maintaining it will ensure it protects you all game long.
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