Wrath of the Blood Ravens

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\"Wrath of the Blood Ravens\" Version 2.4 for DoW2 Chaos Rising patch 2.4

This is the original one with large enemy numbers which requires a good computer to run.

Mod for background-wise campaign and multiplayer.

I made a background-based compiler mod, using the following great mods by :

Project WARhammer v0.2 Alpha by Aliblabla. This mod is also required to play my addon mod.
Link to thread : http://forums.relicnews.com/showthread.php?t=224149

The Squad Mod 2.2 by Jaylo138
Link : http://forums.relicnews.com/showthread.php?t=216937

Brothers of the 4th 1.5.1 by Zetrial
Link: http://forums.relicnews.com/showthread.php?t=217580

My aim was to get all these great mods into one, so that I could play them all.

Fury of the Blood Ravens aims to provide a \"closer to background\" mod that is fluff-accurate to movie marines.

Visit this thread for updates (It can also be used to verify that I have permission to upload this mod) .


I am not sure about all this legal lawyer talk.
So if Relic Entertainment is offended about some of the units I put in, than please contact me here , in this forum. I do NOT check my email, so please write any complaint here.
I will try NOT to make anything exploit-like, so it should be safe.

This mod now officially needs Chaos Rising.

You must have Chaos Rising in order to play this mod, and every release.

(Unless I specifically release a non- Chaos Rising version, with CR stuff cut out, but than I will notify it.)

Copyright and other wierd lawyer stuff here :

This mod might have a few new stuff, but will NOT unlock the Chaos Race or Chaos Campaign, unless you have Chaos Rising installed.
This also works backwards.
If you do not have vanilla game, than you will NOT be able to play with any other race beside Chaos, and you will not be able to play the Bughunting vanilla campaign.
The Last Stand heroes will not be unlocked.
So this mod is not a cheat.

I am only resposible for the mod I upload here in this thread that I made.
I will try to do everything legally, but if by some mistake or misunderstanding I do something I should not , please notify me here, and I will take down the download, cut the trouble making content, and upload the editied version.

I am taking only responsability for what I do with this mod, and I also only volunteer to correct my mistakes.
I am not responsible if someone edits my mod, and uploads it with some explicit content.
(Of course I will never give permission to do such a thing.)
Any permissions I give only refer to legally correct modification and distribution of my mod.
My permission does not authorise anyone to upload anything not legal.

Warhammer 40k is copyrighted to Games Workshop, so this mod must be distributed for FREE. No one can be charged money for downloading this mod, or using it.
(Unless of course Games Workshop buys it and decides to sell it, but that is extremely impropable.)

I hope I covered every confusing lawthing. Please tell me if I missed something out.

I am not responsible for any damage caused by this mod.
Games Workshop, Relic Entertainment or THQ corporation in no way endorsed this mod. They can not be held responsible for this mods\'s content.

Legal rant ends here.

The Wrath of the Blood Ravens 2.4 for 2.4 Chaos Rising.

You can open it with 7-zip, a better version of the windows zip. I use it because it compressess twice better.


1. Make a back-up copy of DoW2.module You can do this by making a zip file of the DoW2.module file.
2. Copy the archive from the folder into the Dawn of War 2 main folder and simply extract the archive into your dow2 main folder.
3. Play the game!

Help with errors:

If the mod is not running, check these:
0. Is your module the correct one?
1. Did you extract the archive correctly into the DoW2 main folder?
2. Make sure everything is in the right folder where it should be.

How to play with the normal game again?

1: make a back up zip file of the moded module file.
2: restore the original DoW2.module from the back up.

How to make the mod run again:

1: make a back up of the original module file again.
2: Extract the moded module file from the back up into the DoW2 main folder

Hints, tips and errors.

-For some reason the CR corrupt campaign Traitor mission does not appear for me.
-Disequip all wargear from Tarkus before doing the first angel gate mission. Do not use terminator armour on this mission.
-Do not use terminator armour on the second Angel Gate mission.
-There is a bug with the first CR mission when you reach Tarkus. It only happens around 50% of the time, and with a re-try you can finish it.
-You can also solve this bug by sending Cyrus and Avitus back to the start point, out of weapon range from the traitor guardsmen attackign Tarkus. After that, attack with only the Commander. That should be fine.
-If you got errors, check for the following:

If you got error:

-Check if the mod is installed correctly.
-Start a new campaign!
-Check if you do not have other mods equipped.
-Make sure \"-dev\" is NOT enabled. This mod should be run like normal DoW2.
-Check if your game is up to date!
-Check for damaged files!

If it is still not working, simply lower your settings! Using too good settings can cause the game to crash!

Unit usage and roles:

Here is a short summary on what some units do:

-Space Marines :
-Strenght: good health, ranged and melee damage, fast units.
-Weakness: Expensive and few units. Vulnerable to harassment and swarming, can\'t hold larger territories.
-Traits : Gets stronger at later tiers, suffers from harassment.

Force Commander: Melee commander, vulnerable to ranged fire. Deadly at close combat. Must be overpowered by swarms.
Apothecary: Support commander, who is best used to support other marine units. Less good at combat, try to get him alone. Must be overpowered by swarms.
Techmarine: Support commander, vulnerable to melee attacks. Deadly at range. Must be overpowered by swarms.
Terminator Commander: Very powerful unit, good at both ranged and melee combat. Must be overpowered by swarms.
Scouts: These are fragile ranged units, dealing medium damage. Best used for flanking and stealth actions. Good at flanking heavy weapons.
Tactical Marines: Flexible and tough ranged squad, can get special or heavy weaponry to improve its provess against specific enemies. Grenades are useful for swarms. Weakness against melee and heavy weapons.
Assault Marines: Heavy melee units with good health, Assault Marines are good for melee assault, or knocking down heavy weapons. Powerfists make them good against vehicles. Weak against heavy weapons.
Devastators: Extreme ranged firepower, but has fewer members and less durability than the others. Weak against melee and/or jump troops.
Chaplain: Melee hero, good at close combat and supporting allies or demoralising enemies. Must be overpowered by swarms.
Vanguard Veterans: Elite melee jump squad, similar to assault marines, but stronger. Power swords deal heavy infantry damage fast, Power axes knock back, power fists crush vehicles.
Sternguard Veterans: Elite ranged squad, can have heavy weaponry. Same as tacticals, just stronger. Good at longer ranges.
Deathwatch Kill team: Elite ranged squad, can have special weaponry. Same as tacticals, just stronger. Good at medium ranges.
Razorback: Reinforcement APC. Good against infantry. Vulnerable to anti vehicle attacks, especially melee ones.
Predator: Heavy tank, good against everything. Vulnerable to anti vehicle attacks, especially melee ones. Can be upgraded for tank hunting.
Librarian: Ranged support hero, good at smiting enemies with abilities. Must be overpowered by swarms.
(Venerable) Dreadnought: Very powerful walker, with different weapon options. Vulnerable to anti vehicle attacks, especially ranged ones.Good against any unit type, with specialisation upgrades. Must be overpowered by swarms.
Terminators: Very powerful units. Good at melee and ranged attacks. Must be overpowered by swarms.
Assault Terminators: Very powerful melee units. Must be overpowered by swarms, preferbly by ranged fire. Only melee unit.

-Chaos Space Marines :
-Strenght: good health, ranged and melee damage, fast units.
-Weakness: Expensive and few units. Vulnerable to harassment and swarming, can\'t hold larger territories.
-Traits : Gets stronger at later tiers, suffers from harassment.

Chaos Lord: Very powerful melee hero. Must be overpowered by swarms.
Chaos Sorcerer: Ability hero, good at support and ranged spellcraft. Must be overpowered by swarms.
Plague Champion: Good at ranged or melee combat. Must be overpowered by swarms.
Cultists : Cannon fodder, use for capturing enemy shirnes or worshipping. Useful, but as support rather than front line units.
Havocs: Extreme ranged firepower, but has fewer members and less durability than the others. Weak against melee and/or jump troops.
Chaos Tacticals: Very flexible and powerful units, can be geared towards ranged heavy or special weaponry, or melee combat. Lacks grenades, but have better damage. Weakness against melee and heavy weapons.
Khorne Berzerkers: Very fast and powerful melee units. Weakness against heavy weapons.
Bloodcrusher: Powerful melee unit, weak to anti tank fire. It is best to swarm it if you do not have Anti tank units. Weakness against heavy weapons. Only melee unit.
Bloodletters: Very fast and strong melee units. Deal more damage than berzerkers, but have lower health. Weakness against heavy weapons. Only melee unit.
Plague Marines : Very resilient ranged units. Can be upgraded with special weapons. Weak against melee enemies. Best used to absorb damage from cover.
Chaos Predator: Heavy tank, good against everything. Vulnerable to anti vehicle attacks, especially melee ones.
Chaos Dreadnought: Very powerful walker, with different weapon options. Vulnerable to anti vehicle attacks, especially ranged ones. Good against any unit type, with specialisation upgrades. Must be overpowered by swarms.
Chaos Terminators: Very powerful units. Good at melee and ranged attacks. Must be overpowered by swarms. The Lightning claw upgrade makes them similar to Assault Terminators.
Greater Unclean One: Very powerful walker-hero unit. Must be overpowered by swarms.

Eldar :
-Strenght: good damage, very fast and non-expensive units.
-Weakness: fragile units. Vulnerable to heavy firepower.
-Traits : Specialists, fast but fragile.

Warlock: Powerful melee hero with damaging abilities. Must be overpowered by swarms.
Farseer: Powerfil melee hero with support abilities. Must be overpowered by swarms.
Warp Spider Exarch: Fast ranged commander. Must be overpowered by swarms.

Guardians: Fragile units, good for swarming and attacking at range. Grenadier upgrade is very useful. Vulnerable to enemy attacks.
Warp Spiders: Good against light infantry, and can teleport. Vulnerable to melee.
Howling Banshees: very fast and dangerous melee unit, but suffers from low health. Vulnerable to heavy weaponry.
Suriken Platforms: Fragile but deals very high damage to infantry. Vulnerable to melee and heavy weaponry.
Brightlance platforms: Fragile but deals heavy anti vehicle damage. Vulnerable to melee and heavy weaponry.
D-Cannon : Fragile platform that deals good area of effect damage agaist anything. Vulnerable to melee and heavy weaponry.
Seer Council : Elite unit strong at both melee and ranged combat. Must be swarmed.
Wraithguard: Slow but tough unit with good are of effect damage. Vulnerable to anti-vehicle attacks and melee attacks.
Wraithlord: Powerful walker, vulnerable to ranged anti-vehicle attacks. Good against any unit type, with specialisation upgrades.
Falcon: Fast tank good against any unit type. It can reinforce units, vulnerable to anti vehicle attacks, especially in melee.
Fire Prism: This tank can fire either anti-tank or anti-infantry laser beams, vulnerable to anti vehicle attacks, especially in melee.
Avatar: Very powerful walker-hero unit. Must be overpowered by swarms.

-Strenght: Hordes of cheap units. Single high damage attacks only kill one ork.
-Weakness: Individual orks die fast. Vulnerable to area of effect attacks.
-Traits : Good all around damage and health, but must use swarms.

Warboss: Very powerful melee hero. Must be overpowered by swarms.
Kommando Nob: Stealth commander who can deal good damage. Has powerful offensive abilities. Must be overpowered by swarms.
Mekboy: Ranged commander with very heavy set-up weapons and support abilities. Must be overpowered by swarms.

Slugga boys: medium melee unit, good at swarming anything, especially ranged units. Vulnerable to ranged weapons and heavy weapons.
Burna boys: Medium ranged unit, good against massed light infantry at close range. Vulnerable to ranged and heavy weapons.
Shoota Boys: Medium ranged unit, good against infantry. Heavy shootas good against heavy infantry. Vulnerable to melee and heavy weapons.
Stikkbombas: Medium bomber unit, good against infantry with grenades. Fragile in actual combat.
Stormboys: Medium jump melee unit, good against ranged and heavy weapons. Should be jumped to avoid heavy casaulities.
Wartrukk: Fragile and fast vehicle, reinforces orks. Good against infantry. Vulnerable to anti-vehicle attacks and melee attacks.
Deff Dread: Powerful walker, vulnerable to ranged anti-vehicle attacks. Good against any unit type, with specialisation upgrades.
Lootas: Heavy weaponr unit, fragile but deals high damage. Vulnerable to melee.
Kommandos: Stealth medium ranged unit, with high damage. Stronger than shoota boys, with useful abilities.
Looted Tank: Tough ranged unit, good against all kinds of targets. Vulnerable to anti-vehicle attacks and melee attacks.
Nobs: Powerful melee unit, can deal with most threats. Vulnerable to ranged anti-infanty fire. Hammers good against tanks. Must be overpowered by swarms.
Flash Gits: Powerful ranged unit, knocks back and slaughters infantry. Vulnerable to melee units and vehicles. Must be overpowered by swarms.

-Strenght: Hordes of cheap units. Single high damage attacks only kill one bug.
-Weakness: Individual bugs die fast. Vulnerable to area of effect attacks.
-Traits : Specialist units very good at their jobs, but must use swarms.

Hive Tyrant: Very powerful melee hero. Tough, but slow. Must be overpowered by swarms.
Ravener Alpha: Ranged hero, mobile but weak in melee. Must be overpowered by swarms.
Lictor Alpha: Melee stealth hero good at killing single tough targets. Must be overpowered by swarms.

Hormagaunts: Melee unit. Weak, but very cheap. Good for distraction or swarming.
Termagaunts: Ranged unit. Weak, but very cheap. Good for distraction or swarming.
Rippers: Melee swarm, good for distraction.
Warriors: Tough unit, with good damage. Upgrades make them deadly anti-infantry, anti-vehicle or melee units. Good at taking damage un-upgraded. Vulnerable to heavy weapons.
Raveners: Good damage jump unit. Useful for taking out enemy heavy weapons. Has average combat abilities.
Genestealers: Fragile but very fast close combat units, with very heavy damage. Vulnerable to ranged and heavy weapon attacks.
Lictor: Stealth Unit, good against single powerful enemies. Vulnerable to swarms.
Zoantrhope: Ranged artillery, deals heavy damage, but it is slow and fragile. Vulnerable to swarms and melee.
Spore Mines: Explosive suicide units. Good if they get close. Vulnerable to ranged fire.
Tyrant Guard: Very tough melee walker, good at soaking up enemy fire. Vulnerable to enemy vehicles and anti-tank weaponry.
Carnifex: Tough walker unit, especially with upgrades. Vulnerable to anti-tank weaponry. Best attacked by ranged anti-tank weapons.
Warrior Alpha: A more powerful Warrior variant. Good against any unit type, with specialisation upgrades. Must be overpowered by swarms.
Carnifex Alpha: Powerful walker, with useful upgrades. Good against any unit type, with specialisation upgrades. Must be overpowered by swarms.


RELEASE 2.4 : Patch fix. New chaplain model by Shuma added, and Veteran marines looks\' had been improved.

RELEASE 2.3 : Patch fix.


RELEASE 2.2 : Predator weapons redesigned to be more like autocannons and less like battlecannons. Minor fixes.



Crash fix.
Small bug fixes.
Predator fix for SP.
Spelling errors fixed.

Alternate mod added.
The Alternate mod is made for obsolete computers.
The alternate campaign has less enemies (25% of normal mod).
The alternate multiplayer has smaller squads (around 33% of normal mod, close to DoW2 original).

Hints, tips and errors.

-For some reason the CR corrupt campaign Traitor mission does not appear for me.
-Disequip all wargear from Tarkus before doing the first angel gate mission. Do not use terminator armour on this mission.
-Do not use terminator armour on the second Angel Gate mission.
-There is a bug with the first CR mission when you reach Tarkus. It only happens around 50% of the time, and with a re-try you can finish it.
You can also solve this bug by sending Cyrus and Avitus back to the start point, out of weapon range from the traitor guardsmen attackign Tarkus. After that, attack with only the Commander. That should be fine.

If you got error:

-Check if the mod is installed correctly.
-Start a new campaign!
-Check if you do not have other mods equipped.
-Make sure \"-dev\" is NOT enabled. This mod should be run like normal DoW2.
-Check if your game is up to date!
-Check for damaged files!


A lot of wargear is added (around 30 new items). The list is very long, and I should better let you find all of them out yourself :) .
Some pure, and a lot of corrupted wargear is added.
If you have DoW2, be sure to carry over the Armour of the Demonslayer and the Arcanatum Energis to Chaos Rising, as these items will spawn a new and more powerful Chaos Rising version if donated.
Bug fixes.
Chaos Marines and enemy tanks are more powerful.
Chaos Marines drop more loot.
Tank drop pod is added.

Chaos Terminators are added.
Bolters for normal Tacticals and Chaos Marines are a little more deadly.
Chaos Missile Launchers can launch a devastating frag missile.
Resource gain rate is slightly increased.

Aliblabla, Jaylo138, Zetrial for making their super mods and support.
Netrogor and Rodzaju for their inspiring modding.
Predi and Leves for the faithul testing and ideas that they provided.
Predi (Malcador) again for the help with the item descriptions!
Corsix, Exo Elite and TheEndlessGrey, Copernicus and Dekhranic for their great tools and wisdom.
Buguba, Horusheretic, Mirageknight, Miguel and Gorb for advices.
Darrius86 for his Chaplain.
Shuma for the wonderful Chaos Terminators, Chaplain and Space Marine Helmets.
Nerevarine for his help with the corrupted Chaos Marines.
Kolaris for the Sternguard Ammunition mod.

All the helpful players who supported the mod and/or gave feedback.


Several ability, wargear, spawn and scar errors fixed.
Elite eldar enemies were made more powerful, such as warp spiders, howling banshees, warlocks and ranger who will now come in fewer numbers.
Librarian is now stronger. Dreadnought has more health, but lower damage.


Chaos Rising campaign is playable. New wargear is added for SP.


Chaos Race added. New race and units, old units and files are updated.

Chaos Khorne Berzerker squad added. New Librarian hero added.


SP :

Angel Gate bug is most likely fixed. Still never use Terminator armour in Angel Gate.
Bolter and Plasma weaponry now has fluff-like magazine sizes.
Power Weapons are better against vehicles.
Space Marines are now heavy infantry.
Minor bug fixes.

Wrecks fixed.
Bolter and Plasma weapons have fluff wise magazine sizes.
Space Marines are now heavy infantry.
Minor bug fixes.

NEW Space Marine Squad :

Deathwatch Kill team, featuring 5 members with hellfire bolters, dealing additional damage over time and slowing enemies.
Can be equipped with Flamers or Plasma guns. Can get melta bombs.
Has the Frag, Krak, Blind and Plasma grenades.

New Space Marine hero : Chaplain (with new skin, thanks to Jaylo)
Weapons :
Holy power axe and storm bolter.
Energy-stealing axe like the Apothecary\'s and a storm bolter wielded like a pistol. Very good at decimating infantry.
Holy Power fist and plasma pistol.
Grants the Flesh over Steel ability, and gives the Chaplain a very good damage versus tanks and heavy infantry.
Holy Power sword and Strom shield.
Gives the Defend ability, and makes the Chaplain effective against swarms of lesser enemies.

Sacred Robes of Faith
Outfitted with loud hailers, this armour allows the Chaplain to bellow his prayers with increased volume. Grants the Chaplain the ability to increase the damage of a nearby allied squad.
Holy Mantle of Retribution
Engraved with the Prayer of Hate, this armour deals damage to any enemy who strikes the Chaplain in close combat.
Blessed Armour of Righteous Wrath
Scenes of bloody slaugher adorn this midnight black armour, making the Chaplain a truly terryfing figure to behold. Grants the Chaplain the ability to supress nearby enemies.


Death Mask
The Chaplain\'s skull helmet is shaped in the image of the Holy Emperor , inspiring nearby Astartes to fight with even greater valour.
Vortex Grenades
Grants the ability to throw extremely power grenades which cause massive damage in the target area. Similar to D-Cannon singularity.
Iron Halo
Grants the ability to absord enemy damage by draining energy, same as the FC\'s halo.

Scouts, most ork and eldar infantry are randomised in their looks.
Army painter now has almost every unit for every race.


Space Marines ranged weapons damage reduced by 20%. Some found wargear level requirements fixed.

Fixes: Sword of Purity, Blighted Armor awargear level and level requirements fixed.
Finally every entry that says \"Vulcan\" for the Salamander\'s home planet has been fixed to say \"Nocturne\" or refer to the Primarch Vulcan. Someone at Relic watched too much Star Trek :) .
Weapons now do more gibbing damage.
Bolters, power axes/swords, chainswords, Dreadnought fists and plasma pistols : 30% chance to explode enemies.
plasma cannon, plasma gun and missile attacks : 100% and 90% chance.
Assault cannons, Power fists and Thunder hammers (all of them) has a 40% chance.

Davian Thule health, melee combat damage , melee combat special attack chance increased. Melee sync kill chance reduced to 10 from 25.

All Eldar infantry damage and health increased.

Space marine missile weapon damage slightly increased.

Carnifex damage and health reduced (now it is on the same level as a Wraithlord).


Devastators re-construction:
Now starts with 2 heavy bolter marines, who can upgrade their gear to Missile Launchers or Plasma cannons.
The squad can add either two plasma cannons, or two missile launchers or 2 heavy bolters.
The sergeant equips the weapons used by the two original squadmates .
I hope this Devastator squad is more \"customizable\" , while retaining the fluffly awesomeness of Long Fangs or Avitus-style BR Devastator squads (every sm has a heavy weapon).
Heavy bolters are good against infantry whenever they are bunched toughether or drawn out.
Krak missiles are good against vehicles, Frag missiles against blobs of infantry. Both missiles knock back the target.
Plasma cannons are awesome in every way, but they are inaccurate against moving targets (and I can\'t fix it yet).

New Units:
Ork :
Burna boyz, tier 1, 15 members. These burna boys are good at both melee and ranged damage, but they are not exactly durable.
Carnifex Alpha : This is a more powerful carnifex, in tier 3 you get two of them.
They have the Seismic Roar, Psychic Scream, and a fast-recharge charge and Bioplasma abilities.
They can have all normal Carnifex upgrades, but do more damage with them.
Warrior Alpha : You can have three of this elite shock squad. 6 members, each tougher and better than normal warriors, with the same upgrades,but they do more damage with them .
They have the Flesh Hooks, Toxic burst and Toxic cloud abilities, all to be better melee combatants (although their ranged weapons are better too).

Larger squads have been reduced to smaller ones. This does NOT effects overall army size, but reduces pathing issues.
Extra gibbing added.
Wargear effectiveness for Eldar, Tyranid heroes and Mekboy and Kommando are increased to be balanced with the gear of SM heroes and Warboss.

Space Marines:
FC jump pack is fixed.
Stern and Vanguard graphical update.
SM squads are more expensive. (+10% to +30% cost )
SM Tacticals upgraded with missile launchers can now change krak/frag grenades like a Fire Prism changes its firing mode.
Krak missile damage reduced.
Plasma cannon charge-up time removed. Overcharge ability added. Reload time increased due to extreme firepower.
All sergeants have helmets added, and more ornate armour.
Venerable Dreadnought can have an Assault cannon upgrade, which is stronger than regular one.
SM weapons have more devastating FX, I\'m not sure if I\'ll keep it tough.
Sm have 5 per sec health regeneration. Terminators got 8 per sec.
SM Tactical and Assaults squads will now have 3-3-3 custom looking marines. Their statistics are unchanged.
SM missiles are more accurate, power weapons do slightly less damage against heavy infantry.
Assault Marines can now have 2 power fists.
SM Teleporter wargear replaced with Master Crafted Helmet. Adds 500 health and increases detection radius by 50 (so the detection radius will be the same as normal Line of sight).
Force Commander Terminator Hero new wargear:
Cyclone launchers: Gives the ability to launch missiles.
Void Shields : Adds the shield that drains energy instead of health.
Crux Terminatus : Boosts nearby SM like Sacred standard.
Enhanced Actuators: Gives the TFC the Sprint ability.
Thunder hammer and storm shield : Powerful melee weaponry.
Plasma cannon projectile changed back to normal.
Eldar plasma grenade explosion animation added to plasma cannon hits.

Tyranids got general weapon damage boost.
More HP for tyranid warriors and raveners, lictors.
Carnifex moved to tier 2.
Tyranid gaunts move in small swars, have adrenal glands /Toxin sacks upgrades, and are extremely fast.
Gaunts have increased health regeneration, 3 per sec.
Other tyranids have very fast health regeneration,from 8 per second to 25 per second.
Termagaunts\'s devourers now slow down enemies on hit.

Eldar units are faster and deal more damage.
Fire Prism has the same shield as the Falcon.
Bright Lance, Fire Prism, D-cannon, Pulse and Scatter laser range increased.

Mek hero starts with big shoota, and can get rokkit launcha.
Small orks have medium health regeneration 4per sec), Nobs and Flash Gitz have 8 per sec.
Kommando health increased by 20%.
Ork squad sizes reduced by 25%


Martellus and Gordian added to Razorback drop pod. Pod renamed to Command pod.
Gordian is a melee healer with power axe and plasma pistol , who can cast area heal, toxic grenades, iron halo and Combat stimulants which increase the damage of targeted SM squad.
Martellus is a ranged grenadier who uses a plasma gun and can repair tanks. He has iron halo, and can throw Vortex, Plasma and EMP grenades at the enemy.
Predator pod is renamed Tank Pod and it now spawns one Predator and one Razorback.
Minor bugs and miss-typing fixed.
Enemy boss damage increased.
Tyranid Warrior and Ravener health reduced.
The Force Commander no longer has Toxin grenades, but now he uses his special melee attack more.
FC and Davian Thule are now more powerful.


Flamers provided at early missions, from Level 2.
Minor miss-types fixed.
SM squads have more powerful weaponry in standard mod.
Alternate version released for machines with poor performance.

Release 1.2 :

Mod moved to SGA version.
Minor bugs and miss-types fixed.

Release 1.1 :


Levelup done. Max level 20 XP is now 40000 (doubled).

Supply Drop rates: reduced to 25% of previous.

Tougher Marines:
Assault will receive bonus:
1 +10% ranged damage, and +20% melee. +40 health
2 +10% ranged damage, and +30% melee. +50 health
3 +15% ranged damage, and +40% melee. +60 health
4 +20% ranged damage, and +50% melee. +70 health
1 +20% ranged damage, and +10% melee. +40 health
2 +30% ranged damage, and +10% melee. +50 health
3 +40% ranged damage, and +15% melee. +60 health
4 +50% ranged damage, and +20% melee. +70 health
Scouts :
1 +20% ranged damage, and +10% melee. +20 health
2 +30% ranged damage, and +10% melee. +30 health
3 +40% ranged damage, and +15% melee. +40 health
4 +50% ranged damage, and +20% melee. +50 health
1 +15% ranged damage, and +15% melee. +40 health
2 +20% ranged damage, and +20% melee. +50 health
3 +30% ranged damage, and +30% melee. +60 health
4 +40% ranged damage, and +40% melee. +70 health
Veterans +50% ranged damage, and +50% melee. +100 health

All Terminators get +25% ranged and melee damage, and +100 health.

The previous modifier was:
+30 health to all,
Veteran Tacs who got 60.
Scouts who got 20.
Terminators got 100.

These do NOT affect the Sergeants.

Thunder hammers (both Daemon and Terminator types) got a massive damage bonus. Now it will worth losing assault jump with the ASM.

Thaddeus can now wield Thunder Hammers after getting the \"power weapon aptitude\" trait.

I gave all bosses a passive ability that triples their health and damage. I hope this makes boss fights challenging again.

UCS problem solved, there should be no more \"NO RANGE 1145200\" lines.

Terminator armour Aegis of Hurios drops at level 10, and Crusade Eternal at level 15.

MP : Carnifex starting health increased from 4000 to 6000.
Carnifex normal :
Basic damage increased : 500 --> 700.
Sweeping AOE damage : 150 --> 450
Thornback Carnifex :
Basic damage increased: 700 -->1000.
Sweeping AOE damage : 400 -->700.


Single Player Campaign:

SM squads by Zetrial, he made every one of them look unique.
New items, textures and enemies by Jaylo138.

My changes:
More enemies ( much, much more in every mission), tougher marines. Old items are more powerful, as are the new ones.
The Space Marines Tarkus, Thaddeus and Avitus can now wear Iron Halos and Banners as accessories.
All Terminators now have helmets.
The commander has a Mark7 veteran helmet for standard and is bareheaded with teleporter. He also overcame his muteness, and now speaks. He is alone without a squad.
Tarkus can now wield heavy weaponry.
Arc of fire removed from heavy bolters and plasma cannons.
Setup time reduced, teardown time deleted.
White items no longer drop, but named ones have a higher chance of dropping.
Maximum Armour have been increased to 300. SM armours now give more defense rating.
All Space Marine squads follow Zetrials originals, they are just tougher to deal with the endless waves of xenos.
Weaponry is more powerful, especially some level 20 epic weaponry.

Storm shields can now be equipped by FC and Thaddeus. There are only currently 4, but I\'ll make more if the people like them.
Ironshield, level 5: 20 armour, 5 melee skill and +20% melee damage.
Dauntless, level 10: 30 armour, 10 melee skill and +30% melee damage.
Bulwark of righteusness, level 15: 40 armour, 15 melee skill and +40% melee damage.
Indomitable shield of Faith, level 20: 50 armour, 20 melee skill and +50% melee damage.

An epic level 20 :
bolt pistol: Damnation of Heretics, it deals area of effect damage. It uses the Pistol of Baal model.
Power sword: Arcanatum Energis, a vortex blade which deals extremely high damage. It has a quite acceptable new model, made of the epic and rare powerswords. There is extremely low clipping.
Power armour: Holy mantle of the Daemonslayer is added. It is the awesome retexture of the \"Company Champions armour\" by Jaylo.
Terminator armours are now stronger, and drop earlier.
The Aegis of Hurios is a melee armour, the Eternal Crusader ranged, and the Armour of Azariah provides a smaller bonus in both combat types..

Purity seals now grant their bonuses to the whole squad. Accessories like Mines are now usable by all squads.

Jaylo\'s squad abilites have been slightly changed. Avitus can now drop turrets and order artillery strikes, while Thaddeus can use the Rosarius. Tarkus can throw EMP grendes. The FC can throw Toxic Grenades.

New grenades:
Frag: These have a doubled area of effect.
Krak: High damage armour piercing with small aera of effect.
Plasma: High damage anti-elite grenade with medium area of effect.
Vortex: This grenade is extremely powerful, capable of wiping out massed enemy formations.

Weapons now have a longer range, like the Project Warhammer weapons.
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