XVR - exVest Realism Mod

Box art for XVR - exVest Realism Mod For: Call of Duty 2
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Realism mod for the game Call of Duty 2. The point of this mod is to enhance realism and fun of multiplayer game mode for the Call of Duty 2. Primarily, the idea was to remove some œglitches or œfeatures that just didn't belong in this game like jumping+aiming+shooting while being accurate, throwing grenades across the whole map, etc. Modifying weapon properties and balance was also necessary, grenade cooking, etc. Anyway take a look at the features, and see everything included in the mode.



* complete makeover of each weapon damage and behaviour properties
* secondary weapon can only be a pistol
* weapon precision decreases with distance from the target
* grenade are “cookable” (they explode after 5 seconds)
* grenade impact radius significantly increased
* weapon ammo distribution configurable
* shooting disabled when the player is air (jumping, falling)
* weapon limiter


* health bar displayed
* fade-able ammo information
* kill details (attacker, location, weapon, distance) displayed to the killed player
* compass modified
* compass shot indicators removed
* cross-hair removed
* hit notifications removed
* grenade indicators removed
* dog tags removed
* objective points (world, not compass) removed


* view shift when hit
* shell shock length increased
* fall down on grenade hit
* fall down on leg hit
* drop weapon on hand hit
* helmet drop
* death and pain sounds
* gun jam


* realistic movement speed
* realistic gravity
* realistic fall damage
* health recuperation disabled
* sprint enabled


* more character models used
* grenade spam timeout enabled
* bots added
* some anti-exploit variables are forced on clients

Headquarters gametype modifications:

* capture and destroy behaviour modified - player is forced to work on the radio in order to capture/destroy it without being able to move or shoot
* CoD and CoDUO radio sounds added
* radio capture/destroy activation radius modified
* radio spawn timeout configurable
* radio neutralizing points configurable
* radio maximum hold time configurable
* solid radio models used instead of those that can be shot trough


1. Locate your CoD2 root folder (eg. "c:Program FilesActivisionCall of Duty 2")
2. Create a folder called "xvr" (eg. "c:Program FilesActivisionCall of Duty 2xvr")
3. Extract the contents of the zip file into the xvr folder ("c:Program FilesActivisionCall of Duty 2xvr")
4. You can start the LAN server by typing the following command into windows console:
"CoD2MP_s.exe +set fs_game xvr +exec exvest.cfg +set dedicated 1"
(note: you must be located in the CoD2 root folder - "c:Program FilesActivisionCall of Duty 2" when typing this)
You can start the Internet server by typing the following command into windows console:
"CoD2MP_s.exe +set fs_game xvr +exec exvest.cfg +set dedicated 2"
(note: you must be located in the CoD2 root folder - "c:Program FilesActivisionCall of Duty 2" when typing this)


This mod wouldn't be possible (well not exactly, but it would be definitely a lot harder to do) without some help. A lot of ideas and solutions came from the following mods:

* Wolfsbane's CoD2 Realism Mod
* BJustReal CoD2 Realism
* eXtreme+ Mod

And many others mostly from:

* http://callofduty.filefront.com/
* http://www.moddb.com/games/call-of-duty-2
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