ZH USA1 Skirmish

Box art for ZH USA1 Skirmish For: Command and Conquer: Generals
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This is Zero Hour USA single player campaign mission 1 (the one where you
MOAB the Baikonur rocket) converted into a skirmish map.

Each of the 2 starting locations has different advantages and disadvantages.
Try it against a hard AI opponent, it's quite fun.

There is a garrisonable train that goes round the map.

There are unmanned vehicles and other goodies for you to find. These include a
very destructive Nuke cargo truck, an unmanned Boss dozer (not to be confused
with the not unmanned civilian dozers which repair civilian buildings), and 2
PT boats.

There are unmanned base defences near the train bridge for you to garrison.

Some civilian buildings in your base have crates inside. Garrison then
exit from them to pick them up.

There is a map.ini file which modifies some objects. If you get mismatch errors
in multiplayer games, rename it to map.off or just delete it. The map is
playable without the map.ini, it just adds more features, like:

map.ini features:

TechOilDerrick self repairs

TechArtilleryPlatform can be upgraded to have nuke cannon's weapons

GuardTower and WoodTower self-repair, and have built in machine guns that
the garrisoned troops can fire in addition to their own guns

CivilianBunker01 self repairs

Trains have special flak wagons with quad cannon guns. Garrison some
infantry in these to activate them. They have a small speaker tower
effect too.

Train engine can be garrisoned.

Anthrax bomb and nuke missile poison fields clear the shroud so you can
see what is dying in them.

The Nuke cargo truck will call in a carpet bomber when it detonates,
and it also creates a firestorm. You can also disguise it like a bomb truck.

CivilianVehiclePTBoat is armed with long range missiles

Windmills generate 10 power, garrison them to get the power.
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