Zombie Master: Basin Map

Box art for Zombie Master: Basin Map For: Half-Life 2
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A group of hikers, after hearing radio broadcasts of the zombie invasion, have come across an abandoned lake. A truck carrying a large amount of corrosive material has crashed and contaminated the water with it, making the lake extremely dangerous to enter unprotected. Nevertheless, the hikers can use this to their advantage by taking a large fishing vessel out to the center where the water will provide protection from zombies until they can be rescued. However, before this can be done the hikers must reach a radio, located in a wooden boat that has drifted out into the lake, to send out a distress signal. They must also bring 2 cans of diesel fuel to the boat, just enough to push the boat out into the lake. The fishing boat must also be driven out quickly, as a large concentration of the acid as accumulated near where the boat is docked.

[*] [b]Survivor Objectives:[/b]
- Head to the dockhouse and ride a boat out to the one containing the radio and send a distress signal. [10 Minutes]
- Run to the metal shed and take 2 cans of diesel to the fishing boat. [Remaining Previous Time + 5 Minutes]
- Once the diesel has been brought, preventing any zombies from getting onboard.[2 Minutes]

[*] [b]Zombie Master Objectives:[/b]
- Kill the survivors, or stop them from reaching the boat in time.
- If the survivors have retrieved 2 diesel cans, bring any zombie onboard to win.
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