Battle Droids

Box art for Battle Droids For: Empire at War
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Battle Droids V0.1

Creator: [email protected]

Beware: This is NOT a MOD. It is just the model of the battle droid, its animation files and the texture, do not download it if you are not familiar with modding EaW.

cis_bdroid.alo - the model itself - texture file 265x265 MIP Map - gloss texture file 256x256 MIP Map
cis_bdroid_ATTACK_00.ala - animation file
cis_bdroid_ATTACK_01.ala - animation file
cis_bdroid_ATTACKIDLE_00.ala - animation file
cis_bdroid_ATTACKIDLE_01.ala - animation file
cis_bdroid_DIE_00.ala - animation file
cis_bdroid_DIE_01.ala - animation file
cis_bdroid_IDLE_00.ala - animation file
cis_bdroid_MOVE_00.ala - animation file
cis_bdroid_MOVE_01.ala - animation file
cis_bdroid_TURNL_00.ala - animation file
cis_bdroid_TURNR_00.ala - animation file
cis_bdroid_WALKMOVE_00.ala - animation file

I\'ve implemented three Levels of details but at the current Version LOD0 and LOD1 are just copies of the LOD2 model (around 1000 polygons like the Storm_Trooper_LOD2) for testing purposes. In the near future i will release a new version with reduced polycounts for LOD1 and LOD0. Nevertheless it works for me.

Feel free to use them in your MOD, but give me credit if you do so.

Stay tuned for more...
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