bloodPLUS revision 4.1

Box art for bloodPLUS revision 4.1 For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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I never really understood what exactly the attraction was to seeing lots of spurting blood in games, personally I don’t like any blood effects in games, as it makes them rather gory and bloodthirsty, but anyways, that’s just the way I feel about it.

Here we have a new blood mod from the very aptly named bloodthirstydood, which adds some new features over the previous version of his mod, as listed in the readme:

[quote] This is a revision of a mod by me already on here. It covers dismemberment as well. What is new: new look, better effects, simpler images.[/quote]

As he also mentions, this mod works in both Singleplayer and Multiplayer, although in Singleplayer there appears to be extra effects available, whereas the Multiplayer version is a little more limited. There are some new ‘fleshy’ splattering sounds for when you hit people and you get more of an explosion or a cloud of blood, rather than a simple splattering or spurting. Although I must point out that since a Lightsaber would cauterise a wound as soon as it cut through the flesh, there probably wouldn’t be any huge spurting or splashes of blood. :P Ehem, if Lightsaber’s were real, of course!

Anyway, if this mod is your kind of thing (although admittedly it isn’t to my tastes) then give it a download!

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