Bothan Heavy Capital Ship

Box art for Bothan Heavy Capital Ship For: Empire at War
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Custom concepts are always fun to see. This one in particular seems to be a mash of a Bothan Assault Cruiser and a slew of other ships, in a nicely executed model by Rebelmoon. Any modder looking to spice up his or her mod with a new ship with New Republic inspirations will surely find this release useful. Please note that some modding skill is required in order to get this unit functional ingame.

[quote]Idea behind it: A few years ago I was making a personal mod that had 2 factions. The Concordiat of Man (Terra/Earth & all her colonies)
vs The Melconian Empire (think of walking dogs/wolves). The factions are based on a series of books called Bolos, about robot tanks primarily
but space battles played a significant part. I was using all of EJ's Corellian ships to serve as the Terran Fleet and needed a large heavy capital
ship that would fit in. This is what I came up with. Never finished the mod and found this on a backup drive the other day. Thought someone might like to use it.[/quote]
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