Code Lyoko Mod Beta Weapons Mod

Box art for Code Lyoko Mod Beta Weapons Mod For: Knights of the Old Republic
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One of the interesting things about playing the [i]Knights of the Old Republic[/i] games are the melee weapons or swords; whatever you want to call them. The thing about them is they look so much like some of the swords man has used in ancient times. They really don’t look like they belong in the Star Wars Universe.

Then modding comes in and we get a chance to see some cooler looking swords that make sword fighting much more enjoyable. Inyri Forge has made and released her share of swords on this site capturing the imaginations of the sword fan base. Along comes DarkLordXana who saw her most recent release of the Final Fantasy swords and asked permission publicly in Inyri’s thread and Inyri said yes.

So now we got the models from Inyri’s Melee Pack and Final Fantasy Pack retextured by the DarkLordXana to give us new weapons to play with in what the author calls Ulrich's Katana and Williams' Sword and they’re for the first [i]Knights of the Old Republic[/i] game. These deadly weapons will spell doom for your enemies. :p You will need to use the cheat console to get these weapons.

[b]giveitem busterff12 [/b]
[b]giveitem katana[/b]

Enjoy the new skins on these sword models! :D

[b]Note:[/b] Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future.

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