Final Fantasy X Weapon Pack

Box art for Final Fantasy X Weapon Pack For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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What a nice little weapons pack we have here! Og course, I'm sayioing little when it's actually quite big... I think i counted 9 new weapons, all classic FFX weapons, with the exception of the Pupu, which can be found in other FF games too. The models used are very well done, however I felt they were a little too thick, compared to the originals, which were that bit more curved. It'll become apparent what I mean when you see the Nirvana. Also, I think a little more could have been done on the shader work, and texture work. They are very good as they are, but I was disappointed that the brotherhood wasn't as waterlike as in the game - oh and adding some extra shine to the golden bits of some of the weapons wouldn't hurt either. :)

However, don't think that that means this isn't a good pack - I think its brilliant, being an Final Fantasy fan, especially the blitzball (which replaces the thermal detonator) and despite my qualms about the shader on the brotherhood (The one which emits bubbles) it is a very, very nice piece of work, in terms of its model accuracy. Another favourite was the sphere which replaces the trip mine, but how come it doesn't have a beam anymore Inyri? It's more like a proximity mine now lol :D

My least favourite of the pack is probably Auron's Murasame (Katana sword), or possibly Tidus' Longsword. Both are good models, don't get me wrong, but the textures seem a little dull and with the longsword especially, too bright - the longsword was more maroony ingame and had a few more scratches. The gold etching on Auron's sword also kinda goes off the edge of the sword, it doesn't quite fit onto the bottom of the blade smugly. I know there's already a shine on it, but it needs to be more prominent in my opinion. The sounds are all pretty nice, nothing horrible, nothing spectacular, they all fit well and they all sound right :)

Overall this is a fantastic pack, I know I sound like I'm being critical of it but trust me I'm not - I'm just a Final fantasy fiend and want everything perfect lol, which isn't always possible in JK3. As one of your first ventures into modelling Inyri, give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done - oh, and make a V2 with the weapons more curved :D Finally, be ready for a LOT of .pk3 files in your base if you want all the weapons, as each comes in it's seperate pk3. This has its upsides and downsides: You can choose individual weapons not to use, but if you want all of them your base folder gets clogged up (Something I don't like lol - but of course, it's all personal;) )

~Szico VII~
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