FN Tactical Shotgun

Box art for FN Tactical Shotgun For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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[quote]I was kind of amused that as soon as I googled 'FN Tactical Shotgun' I found seemingly the exact image the author photosourced part of the texture from. Small world, eh?

This model overwrites the flechette gun with a shotgun, both in first person and third person views. It still fires the same kind of shot and ammo, but with a new model and new sounds it really does make the gun seem more like a shotgun. It has one of the more typical flaws with this kind of weapon -- many of the sides stretch due to not being UV mapped properly. This is a very common mistake, so hopefully the author will correct this for future models. However in the grand scheme of things it won't be noticeable, so don't let it stop you from downloading this snazzy-looking shotgun!

Two variants of this gun are included -- the typical black and a desert variant. Remember to only choose one![/quote]Most of the above review still applies, although there are a couple of important changes to note. First of all I labeled this as a JK3 mod instead of a JK2 mod -- it'll work in both (just like the last version), so JK2 players can still feel free to download it! One of the other big changes is that the desert version has been removed. I don't know why, but, eh, that's how these things go. To go along with that, the entire texture has been modified.

I said the texture was [i]modified[/i] rather than being improved for a reason. While I do agree with most of you that it's definitely an improvement, it is also still completely photosourced from real images. This has its benefits and its drawbacks. It makes the model look more realistic, but it also can hilight just where the model is inaccurate. Plus you can't claim as much credit over the final product when you 'borrowed' the textures from a google image search.

With regards to the 'bugs' mentioned in the v1 review, there is still some stretching in the UV map, which is unfortunate since that could have easily been corrected between the versions. It's not nearly as bad or as noticeable as in the first version, though, so that's a plus. To be honest, though, I'd remove the cocking sound from the firing sounds. It seems out of place since the player doesn't actually go through the motion.

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