Gibson Explorer

Box art for Gibson Explorer For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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Guitars are available in such a bizarre array of shapes and colours, electric guitars that is... such an oddly shaped acoustic guitar wouldn't work of course! I guess really there are as many shapes and styles of electric guitar as there are different kinds of people and musical styles that use them.

Here today we have the Gibson Explorer model from Last Wish and Duragon, the makers of the [file=96165]Gibson SG[/file] saber hilt that I reviewed a while back. Just like their previous work, this new hilt model is both very well made and very accurate the its real life counterpart (only, you don't go around attacking Stormtroopers with the real version now... do you? :P).

There are a variety of skins to choose from here, four in fact, to suit your tastes. There is a plain white one, a plain black and white one, an unusual red one and one that has some kind of anime style pictures over it. Now I don't play the guitar or any musical instrument for that matter (though I did learn to play the violin a little back when I was at school) but one of my best friends does. To be honest I prefer the more traditional style of electric guitar that he plays, as opposed to these crazy looking ones with the pointy bits that look like they could poke someone's eyes out. :P

Like their last guitar mod, the sounds for this model are short guitar clips, which is a cool idea. No doubt if you had a few players with using these guitar hilts in synch, you could probably play a simple tune or something... I hope we get a video of an ingame concert submitted in the future, now that would be something quite unique!

As far as improvements go, I would say to add more skins for the next version if you decide to make it. Considering the wide verity of decorations these guitars can have I think you could easily double, or triple the size of this pack! Apart from that though I would say maybe add different guitar clips to each of the different guitar skins and then you really could have a proper ingame concert!

All in all good work again here from Last Wish and Duragon, keep up the good work guys!

[b]New Hilt Model:[/b] Yes
[b]New Sounds:[/b] Yes

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