Half-Life 2: Mobile Infantry (Starship Troopers) Combine Models

Box art for Half-Life 2: Mobile Infantry (Starship Troopers) Combine Models For: Half-Life 2
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I\'ve been working on a set of Mobile Infantry models to replace the rebels in HL2. I always felt that the Rebels should me more of an Earth Military type of organisation rather than a ragtag bunch of armed citizens. Also, the other weel I saw Starship Troopers again for the first time in about 6 years, so making a bunch of Mobile Infantry models seemed like the answer to my problem.

Unfortunately it\'s been taking so long to hack the citizen heads onto the model that I decided to make bunch of simple masked versions to tie everyone over until the final release. Originally it was going to be just one version of the model to replace all of the combine, but I ended up making a different variation for each combine model. I must say, I think they look pretty cool, even if I do say so myself.

The model is horribly rigged (my bad), which is most noticable in the ragdoll state, but can be noticed during some animations as well.

I hope this keeps everyone entertained until the Rebel replacement pack is done. Cheers!
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