Hirmans Cad bane

Box art for Hirmans Cad bane For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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Now this is an interesting file I get to review today. But before I begin I'm going to quote one man.

[quote]I know what you're thinking. Did he fire six shots or only five? Well to tell you the truth in all this excitement I've kinda lost track myself. But being this is a .44 Magnum - the most powerful hand gun in the world and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question--Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya punk?![/quote]

This particular quote would surely fit if it was ment to be said by the guy of whose model we've got today. Yes, Cad Bane is a recent addition to already vast storage of Star Wars villains. We can see him debut in last episode of first season of Clone Wars (The 3D ones). Many people knew who he was based on as soon as he could be seen on screen, that of course, is Clint Eastwood. A man so badass that a replica of him had to make it's way into Star Wars, but enough with this nerdy babble, time for the file itself.

This is another nice model from Hirman that's based on Cad Bane, obviously. It comes in 3 main flavours aswell as additional teamskins. To make this review cleaner I'll desribe each of them seperately.

First one would be the default one. What we get is a Duros bounty hunter in clothes that clearly come from western movies. He wears a big... really big cowboy hat (Is he compensating for something? *wink wink*) A leather coat, pair of gauntlets, similar to the ones worn by Mandalorians, tight pants and pair of ordinary looking boots with something that looks like exhaust vent attached to side of each boot. The most notable thing though are the pipes comming from his back straight into his cheeks, could they be special surgery pipes that would allow him to breath in hazardous areas? Well, I don't know. As far as it comes to accuracy the model is quite spot-on and there aren't any issues to whine about really.

The next variant is the same as the first one, except for one little change. His hat is gone. Instead we see his ball-head in full glory. But that's when I have to criticize for the first inaccuracy part. As some of you may already know, Cad Bane is of Duros race. Their heads have special shape that differs them from other humanoidal species, but Hirman didn't reflect that on his model. I suggest taking a good look at how Duros race looks online and then fixing that issue for the next version, if there's any planned.

The last variant has its hat back on, but at the cost of the leather coat, so we get to see his skinnyness. The undershirt looks okay as far as I can tell but the belt from the sack he keeps on his right side sometimes clips into body, it's a nasty issue. Feel free to improve it in the future.

Then of course we have those team variants that are same as the default one with the exception of gauntles being colored blue and red, depending on which team you'll be playing.

Now comes the great finale, but before that I have one last thing to complain about. Once again Hirman used photosourced textures which take a lot of quality that could be done if the model has proper texturing done from scratch. Thankfully it doesn't look as bad as on Ahsoka and keeps the overall character look intact (As long you don't zoom-in, that is).
Overall it's a solid model with decent texturing, despite it being photosourcing, which resembles Cad Bane the way it should. If you like Clint Eastwood or simply like badass villains, you must submit some of your bandwidth for this file. Then you may proceed to kidnapping senators, rescuing Jabba's friends and all that.

Team skins: Yes.
New Sounds: Yes.
Bot Support: Yes.
NPC Support: Yes.

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