HK-47 Reskin Pack

Box art for HK-47 Reskin Pack For: Knights of the Old Republic
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Another of Marius Fett's skinning efforts, this time on HK-47. The mod comes with five reskins of HK, each for a different metallic effect. In reverse order, the first is titled 'Gold' and It's a recolour of HK to look as if the assassin droid were made out of the metal which is represented on the periodic table with "Au". There's not much else to say about it, really.

Next, there is 'battered steel', according to the labels - which looks more like 'corroded iron' to me, but still. After that comes 'steel', which looks distinctly worn, 'battered gold' - which really does look like its been through a few tough spots, and 'dirty steel', which to looks...blackened.

Overall, these are pretty good as HK skins go, though they could have done with greater detailing and some extra time spent - particularly on the 'battered steel' and 'dirty steel' skins, I thought.

[b]NB:[/b] Please leave constructive criticism, particularly if you download and use this mod, as the download-counter isn't very informative.

-Darth InSidious
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