Katana Pack

Box art for Katana Pack For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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Here\'s a nice little sword pack. Five swords are included in this pack, all based around one theme - katanas.

We\'ve got the usual suspects, the wakizashi and masamune, along with two others, shinobigatana and shirasaya. Then, to ice the cake, we have one sword to own them all - the dual masamune. Just a shame Jedi Academy\'s saberstaff style isn\'t good for this sword. :(

Anyway, the models are all constructed well enough, the skinning job is good although I suspect a little photosourcing, the swords all shine well in-game thanks to a well-done shader. There\'s new sounds, although those grate on the nerves after a while. Single-player support has been added. New hit effects have also been added, which while not realistic, I love \'em all the same - just perfect for fantasy swords, and they sort of remind me of Onimusha.

A nice little touch is that the saber throw in single-player is disabled while using these swords, and you\'ll get a kick instead. This fits the whole fighting style typically used by samurai, and let\'s face it, would you throw an elegant sword like a shinobigatana around? In multi-player, the throw is still present (unfortunately).

If you like katanas, this pack is for you. You can even mod the NPCs to use them for some funfunfun. Just be aware [b]not[/b] to use these in a dark room with a high-end graphics card, max vid settings and dynamic glow. The hit effect can be... startling.

~ Kouen
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