Shield pack v2

Box art for Shield pack v2 For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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Luciel's Shield Pack has been upgraded. For those who do not recall the previous version and are interested in Jose's Prosé, behold the [file="89308"]link here[/file]

The new shields I shall go over briskly and individually:

Shuriken: A shuriken style shield with a glowing orb in the center of the open ring in the center. Not exactly keen defense when your shield has a hole in it o_O

Dolphin: A shield that was apparently designed to have a more modern feel to it, but honestly, I'm not seeing it..I just see an incredibly bleached shield with an odd center texture. Also, the player model's hand clips through the shield's guard. It was built to function with the right hand, just FYI.

Black and Ivory Tower Shields: Whilst the Ivory looks more like light hued wood to me, these tower reskins have the benefit of being less visible in the dark.

Spiderweb: A giant spider web curved in the shape of a circular shield, with no grip, and a huge spider on top. Honestly, the spider web doesn't seem very elaborate, but that can be overlooked.

Another note to make about the pack is that the rancor shield now has some red detail added to it, and is no longer "bleached" as Jose put it.

Overall, not a bad upgrade. Only real concern would be the lack of fitting sounds. FIND SOME @_@!

- Averus Retruthan
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