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Description Let me be the first to welcome you to the Jedi Academy modding community, Troleja. Your immunity to the viral charges shot forth by the 'first model/skin' have been negated with ease.
Now, why do I say that? I believe that when a person first sends in a skin or model, its usually mediocre, sometimes even sloppy. I was wary about opening this file because of that. But then I saw something I actually liked.
What we have here is a simple saber design. Actually, I can't even consider this simple. Most people couldn't dream about making something like this on their first try.
Let me re-emphasize this for a bit. I was particularly awestruck. What I found was, while strange in some eyes, excellent in mine. The saber was shaped in the account of a recently-beheaded-by-mister-Skywalker 'Count Dooku'. I even like this more than the Count Dooku one. This model has a curve thats more of a sharp slant in the very middle. While being awkward in reality, I decided to test this small theory out by holding a similar piece of metal in my hands. It felt awesome.
The skinning seemed a bit stretched on some parts, but that made me look at the modelling more. That literally might have been a UV map error, so I discarded the thought that this man seemed to not like the texturing part, because it was still good.
Why do I like this so much, you ask? Because this one user has defied the normal laws of Jedi Academy entry-level statistics and shot me into a level of awestruck I've never been to before.
Now, I command- no, I beg you. Send Troleja your bandwidth, because excellence was involved in the making of this entity.
New Models - Yes
New Textures - Yes
New Sounds -Probably not, usual saber sounds.