Snake Hilt

Box art for Snake Hilt For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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Luciel is back… This time with even more snakes! When I reviewed the original snake hilt a while back I was impressed with the originality of the idea, and the fact that it was also well made. In the original review I suggested improving the mod by adding different kinds of snake to choose from, and guess what? That’s exactly what we have here!

As far as the other aspects of the mod are concerned, such as the sounds, not much seems to have changed, the main difference is the new range of different snakes to choose from which is a very welcome addition (unless you hate snakes altogether of course :P).

The range of snakes here include; the Black Mamba, the Green Mamba, a Cobra, a Coral Snake, a Tiger Python and finally the original snake from the first version. What is more, the Cobra has its own new model, featuring the famous patterned ‘hood’ that Cobras have.

As for things to be improved upon…well the author has already done all the things that I had suggested would be cool from my last review, so I am very impressed with this latest version. If there is a v3, then I would suggest focusing on trying to get a more detailed and realistic texture for the snakes skins, since the current ones are a little blurry.

Overall though I am very pleased with the improvements over the first version, and I look forward to possibly seeing more of these snake hilt mod’s! :)

[b]New Hilt Model:[/b] Yes
[b]New Sounds:[/b] Yes

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