ST Uber Grunt

Box art for ST Uber Grunt For: Fallout 3
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[u][b]ST Uber Grunt Mesh, Male & Female Versions[/b][/u]

Basic mod adding the armor to the game world. Armor is in a large shipping crate in the back of a wrecked truck just outside minefield. MapMarker is set Travel to. The mod includes versions of the armor in MarPatWoodland, MarPatDesert, ACU, MarPat'Urban'(as in its just a black & white version of mpwood), and another using the vanilla combatArmor texture (so if your using a replacer it will probably look funny). There are 10 sets of each in the container. The armor is the same stats as the CombatArmor, no changes. If y'all want it set different let me know (be advised, its NOT going to be set to 1lbs 100DR by me).
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