A2 Physics Project Version X Updated

Box art for A2 Physics Project Version X Updated For: Star Trek: Armada 2
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The winner in the New Gameplay Concept category this year is thunderfoot006's considerable improvement to the A2 Physics Project, Version X. From thunderfoot:

[quote]Hello and thank you for downloading this. I called the previous version of A2PP the Final version. I thought I had done everything which really could be done with the Armada II physics and weapons files. While I watched a TNG episode (Season 1 Finale and right after the Season 2 opener) one evening, I realized there was still a great deal more which needed to be done. The grand old lady deserved much I had not given her yet. In A2PP Final, I did a spot review of the files rather than comprehensively examine and test all of them. This was a mistake. Errors were overlooked. Contradictions with the intent behind A2PP were ignored. In short, I did a very poor version of my signature mod.

Consider these mistakes rectified with this version. Everything has been checked. The movement files have been tested to destruction. Anything which did not conform to the original ideas I had in mind has been ruthlessly adjusted towards where it should be. Or ruthlessly purged. Weapons ranges have been adjusted yet again to take advantage of the new movement and a few other things. Now, your ships will move like they should have in the first place when I began all of this so long ago. This plays and looks very differently from what you have grown accustomed to. Line for line, I think this is the best version of A2 Physics Project I have yet produced.

As some of you are aware of, I began a thread in the Forums concerning starfighters and starfighter combat in A2. I had some ideas about this and I wanted to see what other ideas all of you had. Those of you who participated in the discussion, thank you. Your ideas allowed me to really think about how I wanted fighters to act in Armada II. Included in this package is a complete set of physics and weapons files for fighters and fighterbombers. They use Dan1025 s Peregrine and Javelin Fighter mods as a basis. They do what I think fighters should be capable of in Armada II. These are a good start point for future A2 fighter projects. I am quite sure someone will take these and improve them.

So, here it is. The latest version of the, ahem, "simple little ODF mod" I am justifiably proud of. As usual, lots of high-powered talent gave me help, advice, and guidance.
Mostly, I sat and listened to them and tried to make their ideas work. All of the really good ideas included herein are theirs, of course. All of the mistakes are mine.[/quote]

Note that this version corrects the previously uploaded version.

Congratulations to thunderfoot006!
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