A2 Upgrade Background changing utility

Box art for A2 Upgrade Background changing utility For: Star Trek: Armada 2
Size: 16.7 MB
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Okay, Freyr wanted an unbias file review so here it is. This is a new utility from the man himself which can change the single and multiplayer menu backgrounds ingame. There are a total of thirty four new backgrounds which are as follows:

[*]The Armada 2 original concept art, including the Case Cover
[*]A Stargate picture (I do believe)
[*]Some really cool general star trek concept art from Mike van Nimwegen ([url="http://gallery.scifi-meshes.com/showgallery.php?cat=500&ppuser=5246"]click here to visit his page[/url])
[*]and alot of Dogs of War screenshots from K7A (including a very recent PotD)

The utility itself comprises of several GUI buttons;

[*]A copy button which selects the image to use as themenu bacakground. perhaps it should be called select rather than copy?
[*]Revert to Original which will load up the original Armada 2 Menu Background.
[*]Random Background which is self-explanatory
[*]and a "Manual overide" which allows you to increment or decrement the background numbers to select one manually.

A very sleak and brilliantly executed Utility. Great work!

[b]- IKS[/b]

[quote]Oh, and this is the Upgrade Project's third birthday present. :D Enjoy.[/quote]
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