Admin Config File with Autoexec

Box art for Admin Config File with Autoexec For: Star Wars Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast
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Well, here\'s one for you lazy people who dislike typing. ;)

These config files use VSTR to give you a way to bind/toggle server variables and RCON commands on your JK2 server. All the commands are included, and there\'s way too many to list but all the standard ones are there: kick, forceteam, scoreboard, RCON password, most g_ commands, and just about any other server feature.

I\'d suggest reading the .cfg files to find out the full scale of features, but be warned, it\'s a bit messy. I\'d advise people making future configs to use the \"//\" parameter to make commented lines explaining what each part does.

//Y\'know, just like this.
//In a config file, these lines would be ignored because of the \"//\".
//Useful for leaving descriptions so that people can effectively read the config file
//and to help with editing it.

But still, it\'s pretty simple stuff really once you know what server command does what.

One bad thing I spotted was that to get to one command, you have to go through the full cycle in either direction, so if you need a quick reaction it\'d be much faster to just type it out. For that reason alone I doubt experienced server administrators would have much use for this, but for those who can\'t memorise the commands very well, here\'s a bit of simplification for you.

~ Kouen
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