All Purpose Buttons

Box art for All Purpose Buttons For: World of Warcraft
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Primarily for Healers, this provides a one, two or three button moveable bar next to each party member. Each button can be left, right or middle mouse clicked to cast the configured spells and will target the party member it is next to. The corresponding buttons in each bar are identical as to what spells will be cast. The bar will only appear for existing party members. If you join a raid the buttons will be hidden if your party frames aren\'t visible. Buttons are not visible until you open and save the SetUp panel.

To set up which spells are to be cast and to set how many buttons you want, enter the command /apb to show the SetUp panel. Enter a 1, 2 or 3 in the lower box to set the number of buttons you want to use. A one button config uses button 1, a two button config uses buttons 1 and 2. Type the spellname exactly as it appears in your spellbook in the appropriate box. You can also specify the rank of the spell to be used if you want. Healing Wave(rank 1) for example. Empty slots are ok. **** NEW**** For vertical configuration put v in the configuration box.

Settings for the number of buttons and the specified spells are separate for each character you have.

Each bar has a small identifier on the left end, so if you move them away from the party member frame you can keep track of which party member they affect. To move a bar left click on the identifier and drag after using the unlock command.
P = Your character
1 = Party member 1

/apb - Open the SetUp panel.
/apb menu - Display these commands.
/apb lock - Locks all frames in place.
/apb hide - Hides the buttons.
/apb unlock - Allows frames to be moved.
/apb show - Shows the buttons.
/apb remove - Clears the SetUp panel and hides the buttons.
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