
Box art for AlliesComplete For: Company of Heroes
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If you enjoyed the popular [file="82360"]Allies vs Allies[/file] modification by BroomstickII, then you are sure to enjoy his next submission! This release is a variation of that file, with a few changes. With this modification, The Allies building also produce Axis units; All Axis units including the tiger ace (instead of the tiger unit which is commonly found in normal games) can be generated. The axis officer squad unit is not included for reason mentioned in the readme file, AlliesComplete promises to put a whole new spin on your CoH gaming experience!.

The developer has stated: [i]"As with the previous mod, I have also tested this mod only against AI player. Looking forward to hearing how it goes in a multiplayer environment where human pit their skills against other human players. I would really love to get hold of a replay file of a human vs human match using this mod."[/i]
[b]Some features of this modification include:[/b]
The allies buildings produce both allies and all the axis units
You can have rifleman and volksgrenadier/grenadier and stug plus mg42
The Tiger Ace is available
Fight hand in hand on the same side against the exact same units

Refer to the readme for additional information.
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