
Box art for allunitupdatemod1.0 For: Command and Conquer: Generals
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This is a Mod with lots of new things!4 new planes for America (B52 Bomber, A10Thunderbolt, NukeJetCargo, Mig2)!1 new gattling Trooper for America (Seal)!1 new toxin trooper for GLA!1 new battleship for GLA,USA,China!4 new warThis is a Mod with lots of new things! 4 new planes for America (B52 Bomber, A10Thunderbolt, NukeJetCargo, Mig2)! 1 new gattling Trooper for America (Seal)! 1 new toxin trooper for GLA! 1 new battleship for GLA,USA,China! 4 new warship for GLA! 1 new
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