AMK1.4 Clear Sky Dynamic Music Add-on

Box art for AMK1.4 Clear Sky Dynamic Music Add-on For: Stalker
Size: 33.77 MB
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I love the AMK1.4 mod, but I dont really like the Half Life 2/Unreal Tournamt/Quake "Dynamic Music" they added to it, I woulda been very happy with the regular "Clear Sky" Dynamic Music, but I couldnt find any mods out there that had it. So I made my own.

This is an Add-on to the AMK1.4 mod + AMK Dynamic Music Pack.

Basically it just overwrites the HL2/UT/Quake AMK Dynamic Music with my Clear Sky Music that I ripped out of the Clear Sky Game. So you MUST have the AMK Dynamic Music Pack + the patch for it installed FIRST before you overwrite it with my Add-on... This is pretty much and Add-on for an Add-on.

Links for the AMK1.4 + ENG Patch + AMK Dynamic Music + Patch are in this pack if you dont have them already installed.

Also in this pack are the old AMK "HL2/UT/Q Dynamic Music"s incase you feel like reverting back.


I was unable to rewrite the scripts (kept getting CTD's) so I just replaced the old dynamic music files with the Clear Sky ones, so the Clear Sky tracks are fairly short (As short as the AMK ones are). I'm in the middle of trying to get help from AMK team on writing full scripts for these so they play just like they would in Clear Sky. However, how it is right now is still good, it just has shorter tracks that loop.


What I mean about why its short is:
AMK has 14 tracks that play roughly 4-8 audio files that just loop.
STALKER Clear Sky has 3 tracks that play roughly 20 audio files that will loop.

I couldnt rewrite the scripts so it only played 3 tracks with 20 Clear Sky Audio files at random so I had to make 14 tracks with roughly 4-8 audio files in each track to match the AMK mod so it wouldn't CTD.


Here you can hear what it sounds like...

I hope you enjoy it.

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